MW / The Chase Legacy Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion Treasure Hunt #1

The Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion Treasure Hunts continue with The Chase Legacy and MW! Only 50 of these beautiful and highly collectible Medallions were ever made. They are incredible keepsakes for those of the Chase, and make an unique Treasure for the hunts.
The first of the MW / The Chase Legacy FFGM treasure hunt is fully armchair. You do NOT need to go physically to a location. You only need to submit the Correct Numbered Code, found while Exploring Petra!
(USE THIS LINK TO EXPLORE: https://www.google.com/maps/about/behind-the-scenes/streetview/treks/petra/#sv-1 ) Press ‘Discover Petra’

What an awesome and fun hunt! All submissions must be received by 7/31/20 at Noon EST to be entered into the puzzle’s drawing. A winner for the FFGM will be randomly chosen from all correct submissions. (Entry Form Below)
Enjoy! Get Your Quest on with MW!
Exploring Petra will also be used in MW/ The Chase Legacy FFGM treasure hunt #2- released August 10, 2020! So learn your way around this amazing and historical location! It offers a chance to claim some Treasures!