In the 2018 Six Questions with Forrest (Double Charmed), I asked Forrest about his Bronze Jars, and how exciting it would be for someone in the future to find one. What he said I found very interesting. His answer suggested to me that he has created the Blaze in order to find his Treasure Chest.
If this is true, this would eliminate all the natural ‘Blazes’ out there. No natural distinguishing marks on cliffsides or boulders, not a waterfall or burnt area of land, or not lots of other thoughts about Blazes.
From his answer to the Six Question, it sounds like The Blaze is some visible sign Forrest had been there at the location for us to see and know where his treasure chest is exactly hidden.
The Question and Answer is:
Q) I was thinking the other day about how exciting it would be for someone in the future to find your buried bronze jars; not only to prize the small items hidden inside, but to read ‘Imagination is more important than knowlege” (which is on one of the jars). I find your desire to leave things behind for people to discover admirable. No matter whether I find an old valuable relic or unique shaped stone when out metal detecting or on a search, I love them; and so it is easy for me to imagine how awesome finding one of your jars will be.
But this also got me thinking about Imagination and Knowledge, and how best to solve the poem. You’ve said to marry the clues to geographic locations and treat the poem like a map. But I wonder do you feel a person with ONLY imagination or ONLY knowledge is more apt to solve your poem? For instance, an Kid living on the East Coast might have an amazing imagination, but not much knowledge about the Rockies.
How much knowledge do you think a normal East Coast Kid has to have to find your treasure? Or is Imagination enough. As an example, would an East Coast Kid have to become familiar with the western ways, languages, and other manners of the Rockies?
A) It may be a while before my buried jars and bells are discovered because there is no visible sign that I had been there. None are near populated areas, and landscapes change over time with growing vegetation and blowing leaves. But I am comfortable with the thought that eventually all 8 will be found.
It helps to know something about Rocky Mountain geography when making plans to search for my treasure. Rocking chair ideas can lead one to the first few clues, but a physical presence is needed to complete the solve. Google Earth cannot help with the last clue.
The part that is curious is:
“It may be a while before my buried jars and bells are discovered because there is no visible sign that I had been there.”
Forrest often says he hid his Bronze Jars and Bells for people to randomly find. He says he, himself, couldn’t even find one today. But, this is NOT the case for his treasure chest. We can find it.
And it sounds like to me, from his answer to the Six Questions, the reason someone might be able to find his treasure chest is because he has left a visible sign that he had been there. (unlike his bells).
And so, what might this visible sign be?
I think it could be the Blaze.
I expect the blaze to definitely be man made. My thought is that it’s a blaze carved into a tree, similar to what trailblazers would use to mark their trails. At some point, it’ll grow too high for someone to easily see. So we’ll have to keep our eyes higher and higher as time goes on.
The question I would have is what the blaze will be? It probably has some significance to Forreat fenn, as opposed to simply an X or an arrow.