Our incredible Contributors work hard to provide a valuable and growing resource for the MW community.  We all love to share and bring Mystery, Adventure, and Search for Treasures to you!

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Now Let’s Meet the MW Contributors!

Jenny Kile/Founder

I am a wife, mother of 4, writer, treasure hunter, game enthusiast, researcher, and founder of Kardtects Building Cards. I manage a few websites dedicated to these varied interests and enjoy sharing adventures in each!

Some of the topics I write about on my sites include: Mystery, Adventure and Searching for lost treasures (MysteriousWritings.com (which is this site :)), how to build incredible card houses (Kardtects.com), and Collecting wonderful board games of the 1800’s (AllAboutFunandGames.com). I feel Fun is Every Where and I welcome all to join in the fun with me!

My motto is:  Treasure the Adventure!

I also have written a few children’s books which keep with the Questing Theme and are available on Amazon.

READ MORE from all the MW TEAM!


John Davis

john davis author of rainy street stories
John Davis

John William Davis is a retired US Army counterintelligence officer and linguist. As a linguist, Mr. Davis learned five languages, the better to serve in his counterintelligence jobs during some 14 years overseas. He served in West Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands during the Cold War. There he was active in investigations directed against the Communist espionage services of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact. His mission was also to investigate terrorists such as the Red Army Faction in Germany, the Red Brigades in Italy, and the Combatant Communist Cells (in Belgium) among a host of others.

His work during the Cold War and the bitter aftermath led him to write Rainy Street Stories, ‘Reflections on Secret Wars, Terrorism, and Espionage’. He wanted to talk about not only the events themselves, but also the moral and human aspects of the secret world as well.

READ MORE from John!


Duncan Burden

Duncan Burden has been a Freemason for most of his adult life and is a member of various Masonic bodies, such as the Royal and Select Master Masons, and Operative Masons.

He is also a member of various Masonic Chivalric Orders, including the Knights Templar and Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine.  Born on the Norfolk Coast, he now lives in Hertfordshire, England.

READ MORE from Duncan!



Dustin White

Dustin White lives in Vancouver, Washington with his treasure hunting wife Deidra and two beautiful children. He is a contributor to Mysterious Writings during the free time he doesn’t use trying to solve treasure hunts around the world. He is involved in many of the treasure hunts discussed on Mysterious Writings and elsewhere.

He and his wife run a Facebook page dedicated to The Secret and they also host a podcast about the TV show “The Curse of Oak Island” that can be found at www.oakislandpodcast.com. He has another podcast about the world of treasure hunting in the works.

He was the winner of the 2016 Rose Festival Medallion Treasure Hunt and he and his wife Deidra came in second place in the international treasure hunt “Map of the Dead“.

Read More from Dustin!


Kurt Konecny

Kurt Konecny lives in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and has a B.A. in English.

After accidentally stumbling across Kit Williams’ book “Masquerade” at the library when he was a child, Kurt became captivated by tales of buried treasure and armchair treasure hunts, and he has carried that love with him through his adult years.

His other hobbies include geocaching and ghost hunting.

READ MORE from Kurt!



Don Luenser

Author Don Luenser is a retired administrator from the Louisiana Community and Technical College System. During his tenure with the college system, he held the position of Forest Technology Instructor, Curriculum Specialist, Dean of Workforce Development, and Assistant Campus Dean.

Don is author of the To Lose the Sun trilogy, which includes the books, To Lose the Sun, The Caverns of Adentta, and Our Only Other Chance. These books are available in paperback from ToLoseTheSun‘s website or the electronic version at Amazon.com.

Don is a longtime resident of the historic town of Natchitoches, Louisiana and a lover of puzzles and mysteries.

READ MORE from Don!



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 Please let us know at treasure@mysteriouswritings.com!
