Lion's Share Treasure Box

The Lion’s Share box is the largest and most valuable treasure box hidden in the There’s Treasure Inside treasure hunt. It holds treasures valued over a million.

What Facts are Known about the Lion’s Share Box?

  • The Lion’s Share box is the largest treasure box and holds the most treasure – valued well over a million. The exact treasures found in this box are not given – it will be a surprise.  
  • There are no proxies. When you find this treasure box it will be filled with treasures talked about in the book.
  • Clues to this box are scattered throughout the entire book – front cover to back.
  • One or two clues to this box are also in his children’s book – Our Unbreakable Thread (however, these clues, the one or two in Our Unbreakable Thread are not necessary). All the clues needed to find this chest are in the book, There’s Treasure Inside
  • This box is said to be more difficult to solve – compared to the other 4 smaller treasure boxes – even though there are more clues given to find it.  
  • A unique laminated – additional helpful clue – is inside each of the smaller treasure boxes (total of 4 clues to be found) for finding this box.
  • The box is hidden somewhere in the United States. In the MW Six Questions, Jon mentioned once all the clues for the Lion’s Share box are understood correctly, the location of where the treasure box is hidden is given pretty exact. He mentioned this would be the case for “probably one or more of the other boxes” as well.
  • The treasures are hidden inside a puzzle box – made by Seth Gould. This too holds a prized value. It is made of brass, steel and iron – it will take 7 clever actions to open the puzzle box to view the treasures. Jon placed instructions with the hidden box so you can open it.

What are the Clues to the Lion’s Share Box?

Until the box is found it is unclear what clues are intended for the Lion’s Share box. However, there have been some anomalies found that may be clues.

  • Chapter 9: No page 90
  • Chapter 13: Reference to page number wrong
  • Notched Letters in Chapter Titles
  • Header Anomalies (chapters 9 and 13)

Although there have been typos identified it seems these are just that typos – and not clues. JCB addressed the typos on his website. He said: I did not misspell any words, abbreviations, or proper nouns in my book intentionally. Nor did I state any incorrect dates or ages on purpose.”

MW Posts on Lion’s Share Treasure Box Clues:

As more becomes found this page will be updated.

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