Seducing and Killing Nazis, by Sophie Poldermans, SWW Press: Haarlem, the Netherlands; $25.65 paperback
Book Review by John Davis
Only girls, they learned at home never to discriminate against others. Because, as their parents counselled, ‘All humanity is equal’. Such simple life guidance was catastrophically upended when violent, white supremacist Nazi Germany overran the Netherlands. By then only teenagers, they were old enough to know something was dreadfully wrong. Sophie Poldermans, an insightful Dutch author who personally knew two of the heroic resistance fighters remembered here, tells their story with heart rending passion. She reveals the fear, Nazi brutality, and unique horrors of that age. She does, however, show how their brave resistance helped raise a jaded world back to simple humanity.
Subtitled Hannie, Truus and Freddie: Dutch Resistance Heroines of World War II, this book is simply terrifying. Though only teenagers, we learn how they were subtly drawn into secret resistance against the invaders. Poldermans reveals an horrific, clandestine measure to assure their reliability. Indeed their test will remain with you forever. We follow Jo ‘Hannie’ Schaft, whose tomboy elemental understanding of right and wrong allowed her to courageously, indeed often recklessly, fight back against the conquerors. Truus and ‘Freddie’ Oversteegen displayed leadership and wise caution, each bringing her own skills to great use in the underground defense of their country against the Gestapo and Dutch traitors.
Nazi Germans implemented laws based on racial hatred and political suppression. They enforced racial discrimination against Jews, and outlawed political parties. Opponents were sent to concentration and death camps. How three young girls, for none was over 19 at the time, fought back against such ‘discrimination and inequality’ is brought to life in this utterly spellbinding tale of assassinations, train sabotage, conspiracy and intrigue.
Indeed, seducing and killing Nazis by Dutch teens is what they did. One is fascinated by how their missions were planned, organized, and executed. The remarkable details of underground life, of forgeries, gathering stolen documents, explosives, food and other essentials would be story enough. But no, assassinations were also carried out by girls pretending to charm Nazis. The horror of taking a life, and the limits to any reprisal, even against Nazis, are memorably told. Indeed these are tales you’ll want to discuss. Available in all American outlets, this story of three women who sacrificed their innocence to restore goodness will first shock, then bring you to tears. What a magnificent testimony to such true heroines who fought as underground soldiers against tyranny. Through their heroism they helped restore a world open to dignity and equality before the law.
~ Book Review by John Davis
Read More from John
John William Davis is a retired US Army counterintelligence officer and linguist. As a linguist, Mr. Davis learned five languages, the better to serve in his counterintelligence jobs during some 14 years overseas. He served in West Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands during the Cold War. There he was active in investigations directed against the Communist espionage services of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact. His mission was also to investigate terrorists such as the Red Army Faction in Germany, the Red Brigades in Italy, and the Combatant Communist Cells (in Belgium) among a host of others.
His work during the Cold War and the bitter aftermath led him to write Rainy Street Stories, ‘Reflections on Secret Wars, Terrorism, and Espionage’ . He wanted to talk about not only the events themselves, but also the moral and human aspects of the secret world as well.
And now recently published in 2018, John continued his writing with Around the Corner: Reflections on American Wars, Violence, Terrorism, and Hope.
Two powerful books worth reading.
Read more about them in the following Six Questions:
Six Questions with John Davis: Author of Rainy Street Stories
Six Questions with John Davis: Author of Around the Corner