The Rum Runners Treasure, a hunt for a cache of mysterious contents is thought to be hidden near Clayton, New York. H Charles Beil, who calls himself the Treasure Man, has hidden numerous caches around the states. In the following Six Questions, we learn more about Clues found in the Rum Runners Cache PDF story, that led Chad and his family to this thousand islands region! It was a Family Adventure looking for Treasure! Memories created forever! Have to love it!
Six Questions with Chad:
- 1Q) What Treasure were you searching for?
I have been searching for a bunch of treasures over the past few years, I came across the Treasure Man caches by accident searching on some forums and have been hooked ever since. I zoned in on the Rum Runner Cache specifically because of the location and the intrigue…Mr. Beil in interviews has made reference to Bella’s Diner and the Antique Boat Museum, those all being in Clayton NY, made this hunt about 45 min from my house and very easy to access.
- 2Q) What inspired you to search for that treasure?
My love for Rum inspired me to look for the Rum Runner Cache…but if you want a more treasure hunter approach to the answer, I would say that after reading the .pdf file attached to the Rum Runner Cache I’ll admit I was completely clueless. There is a lot of information in the .pdf that is basically copied word for word from some stories and historical documents and I could not find anything that made sense clue wise. I saw this as a huge challenge after all most of Mr. Beil’s hunts all have some type of map or cryptic message that stands out…this had none of that and made it all the more intriguing.
- 3Q) What did you enjoy most about your search?
I worked on the hunt all winter, hours and hours many days, waiting for the feet and feet of snow to melt so I could go BOTG. When the area became searchable it just so happened that my kids were home because school was cancelled due to the virus. So I used the treasure hunt as a history lesson and fun outing and chance to find a hidden treasure. Spending time with them searching, listening to their ideas and seeing them in action, made the search worth the time.
Even though we did not find anything the first time we went up there, this hunt gave us a chance to bond, form some great memories and get them out of the house away from electronics. I think the true secret to treasure hunting is in the looking and spending time with friends and family, not the finding. The journey there is what matters!

- 4Q) What did you enjoy least about your search?
I would say the lack of a stand out clue like some of his hunts have from the start and also the curse of the Rum Runner Cache, as my son likes to call it. When we finally got boots on the ground, my metal detector broke in a very strange way and put a damper on us finding the treasure and other items possibly in the area.
Although I am not sure if you actually may need a metal detector to find this hunt, it sure dampened our spirits a little. Once we realized we were going to be without the detector, we headed in to the area anyways and were immediately covered in ticks. We made a hasted retreat back to the car, de-ticked ourselves and headed home. My son in the car dubbed it the “Curse of the Rum Runner!”
- 5Q) What is the most unique thing you found while searching?
The most unique thing I found while searching is my new found passion for looking at things a lot differently and using technology. I have since uncovered what I believe a bunch of hidden things within the .pdf itself and using the same techniques have helped me with a few other hunts I am actively pursuing. Without giving away too much information, I would steal a line from an 80’s cartoon in regards to the Rum Runner cache…use the following advice ”More than meets the eye!”
- 6Q) Do you plan on looking for others, have any advice for someone else looking for H Charles Beil’s treasures, or is there something more you would like to say?
I plan on definitely looking for the Gallows Harbor hunt with so many treasure caches being hidden I feel like it evens the playing field for everyone! If I do happen to find the Rum Runner cache I will announce it, but instead of revealing its location, (if its ok with Mr. Beil) I would then like to then bury some of the contents back in the spot for future hunters of the Rum Runner cache to find, and maybe release a few new clues or such!
Bellas (H references this place) Muskie in Clayton, NY