In addition to sharing Forrest Fenn Searcher Stories, Mysterious Writings has launched a new Six Question Segment sharing Forrest Fenn Treasure Solutions (theories). If you’d like to participate, click to learn how. This episode features ….

Six Questions with Candy Irvine

  • 1)When did you first get involved in the Chase?

I started back in 2013, but back then I was uneducated when it came to the rules and hints about The Chase, and I didn’t know nearly as much as what I do now, nearly 7 years later.

Long story short, I saw an article on Facebook whilst drinking beer on St. Patrick’s Day, decided I wanted to be the one to solve such a brilliant puzzle and then my life was changed.

  • 2)How did you decide on a state? Do you ever have any doubt it might be in another state?

One day, while I was at work, I dropped my TTOTC book and as I began to bend over to pick it up, the idea just popped into my head! What if the answer to the poem had been staring us all in the face? So from there I started writing down the book title and got some interesting anagrams but, it wasn’t until I used the entire title that I got my answer.  The Firehole Halts at Home!

Well, we all know the story about River Bathing is Best and that it’s located in Yellowstone National Park, so the message told me to start my quest in Wyoming.

I made an entire video on this topic called “Aberrations in Warm Waters, I hope that it will spark some imagination for the Fenn community.

  • 3) What were your nine clues: The nine sentences of the poem, or nine different phrases/lines in the poem? Can you walk us briefly through your solution?

Clues 1 & 2= Begin it where warm waters halt and take it in the canyon down, not far, but too far to walk. – We start our journey by driving to the first clue, which is IT. Many people are obsessed with the warm waters but I feel that they are missing the big picture, the IT and the where are what we need to solve, not the warm waters. Also, my anagram told me that the Firehole halts at home so we’re not ready to be BOTG until we drive down the canyon and then park below the home of Brown and get in our fishing boat. To break it down, halt can also mean, to break off, so the first clues is telling us to look for a tributary of the warm waters.

Clue 3– Put in below the home of Brown. – I’m old school, my hoB is Brown trout, however, many people don’t know that the term “ the home of “ actually means a place where someone or something was either discovered, originated, or introduced. When you break the entire clue down it is asking you to “PUT IN” below the home of Brown- also known as the place where Brown trout were first introduced in Yellowstone National Park.

I know many people have this solve, I’ve had it for years, I just didn’t realize what I was doing wrong until now.

Clue 4– from there it’s no place for the meek, the end is ever drawing nigh- this is letting you know that your warm waters is coming to an end.

Clue 5– there’ll be no paddle up your creek- self explanatory.

Clues 6 & 7– just heavy loads and water high – high water temperature for trout.

Clues 8 & 9– if you’ve been wise and found the blaze look quickly down your quest to cease, but tarry scant with marvel gaze just take the chest and go in peace. – this one is the most important, IT is the blaze and this is why you have to find the WHERE in order to start The Chase.

DAMN, this feels good to finally write!

Here is a photo of page 99 in his book:

Compare that with a photo of the Firehole River and then let me know what you think

  • 4)Once on location, what was the killer of this solution? Why didn’t it work out and the chest found?

This solution is still 100% for me, I haven’t been able to shake it for 5 years because it keeps popping back up. The way I see things is a little different in comparison to how other people see things, I mean, I’m the weirdo that found an anagram in a book title. Never let anybody tell you that your solve is overrated or that it isn’t a good idea, because I’ve learned the hard way that I’m onto something BIG and it could have played out a lot differently had I just gone with my gut feeling. Many people are against anagrams but let me leave you with this thought-

im·ag·i·na·tion /iˌmajəˈnāSH(ə)n/

 the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.

Imagination sure sounds like an anagram to me.

  • 5)What are you enjoying most about the Chase?

Same as before, learning all that I can and becoming a better version of myself because of it. We need to find the lesson behind The Chase and I think part of that lesson  is making sure we are better people in the long-run. Be kind, do whatever you can to help someone in need because one day they will be gone for good.

  • 6)Is there anything more you would like to add?

Yes, like Fenn has said, we all play our own small roles in the bigger picture so we should find some way to leave behind our own footprints that can somehow make a difference in the world, even if that difference only inspires one person.  Find your own way to be remembered.

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