forrest fenn treasure hunt chest

The first Six Questions MW did in 2013 with Forrest was BEFORE Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Hunt was shared on the Today Show, and gained large National attention. Up until this time, The Thrill of the Chase was not widely known, and his book was only offered in the Collected Works Bookstore, in NEW MEXICO. (where it still is, but it wasn’t on ebay or amazon). It was a quiet, albeit growing, treasure hunt before it exploded after the Today show.

What I find interesting, is he felt his treasure hunt had already gained ‘national appeal’ and I think was quite content about it. Forrest says so.

Here is a Question I asked about his hunt (again BEFORE it exploded from the Today Show appearance):

  • 1Q) I am sure you are aware The Thrill of the Chase has captured many hearts and ambitions of those who have read your book. Are you happy with the way the search for your hidden treasure is going? Do you have any regrets; or more importantly, would you like to see anything different in the ways people are chasing the prize?

A) It was fortunate that two writers, Irene Rawlings and Margie Goldsmith, liked my book enough to review it in national publications. Those stories gave it ignition. The hidden treasure story in the book provided enough propulsion to keep it in the public view long enough for word of mouth traffic to broaden its desire across America and beyond. I am more than pleased with the way it has been accepted. What I didn’t expect was the number of people who immediately started searching maps and using Google Earth to locate their special spots. Many have read my book multiple times looking for additional clues, or even hints that might assist them in the hunt.

In the next year’s, 2014 Six Questions, I did ask him about the change:

  • 1Q) My previous 6 questions were asked shortly before last year’s February 27th segment of the Today Show. Reporting on your extraordinary treasure hunt, it resulted in an explosion of new seekers from all across the world. What are some of your thoughts about the flurry of activity over the past year? Did the excitement towards the Chase surprise you in any way? Does it make you think the chest might be found earlier than first thought?

A) It is interesting to know that a great number of people are out there searching. Many are giving serious thought to the clues in my poem, but only a few are in tight focus with a word that is key. The treasure may be discovered sooner than I anticipated.

It is during this time that ROCKY was added for ‘Somewhere in the ROCKY mountains north of Santa Fe’ began to be used. In the book, you will notice it is only ‘in the mountains north of Santa Fe’ and the map on page 133 is only of New Mexico.

So why the change? Why ADD Rocky now?

Was it because Forrest realized he needed to widen the Search Area? Sure there were still people looking in the northern areas, but most seemed to be looking in New Mexico.

In his above answer he says his chest might be found sooner than anticipated— why? because so many people were now looking for it in New Mexico?

Did he begin adding ROCKY mountains to hint to looking more North, because he didn’t want his chest found so quickly?

OR was it because he realized some people were forgetting ‘the mountains north of Santa Fe’ included all of the ROCKY MOUNTAINS, and not just the mountains in New Mexico?

What do you think?

Join the Discussions on the MW Forum!


Best of luck with all that you seek! Always treasure the adventure!


One Comment

  1. Hi Jenny.

    It must be a clue of some kind. Perhaps the silhouette of the nearest ridge line to the Treasure appears “rocky”…kinda like the Sawtooth Mountains…except the treasure is not in Idaho…

    …except I’ve been to Idaho many times and there’s a lot of treasure there.

    If Forrest hadn’t ruled out Idaho then I’d certainly link the Sawtooths with that lumberjack in TTOTC who had hewn down all those trees…and forced that dove to make her nest on the moon.

    Thanks Jenny and Forrest.


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