UPDATE: THIS PUZZLE IS OVER AND PRIZE AWARDED TO MICHAEL W. https://mysteriouswritings.com/forrest-fenn-gold-medallion-treasure-hunt-series-two-puzzles-solutions-and-winners/

Puzzle #1 for Series Two of the Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion Treasure Hunts released!
The following Treasure Hunt is FULLY ARMCHAIR. You do NOT need to go to any physical location. You only need to submit a correct answer to the question on the submission form (found below) to be entered into a random drawing for a limited edition Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion.
This hunt ends 1/31/2020.
Winner of FFGM will be announced on the MW Channels and DalNeitzel.com
Puzzle #2 for Series Two of the Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion Treasure Hunts will be released on 2/3/2020.
Here is Puzzle #1 (Hint below if needed)

HINT: Click to learn more about the Number Code and How to Solve it: MW Codes, Ciphers, and Puzzle Series
The locations to the puzzles of Series Two FFGM Treasure Hunts will still relate to the Appalachian Valley, like the Series One Treasure Hunts did. This is because the hunts were inspired by the MW Q/A where Forrest answered:
“I wish I had another treasure to hide in the Appalachians.” f

MW and HoD (MysteriousWritings and Home of Dal (Neitzel) were happy to make that a reality! Our sites teamed up and hid treasure in the Appalachians for searchers of the Chase to find in the off season. Here is a link including the FFGM puzzles and winners of that first series. Searchers had an awesome time and we loved hosting the hunts! We’re ready to do it again!
However, as mentioned, Series Two is fully armchair. So everyone can get involved!
Each month, from January thru May, One Treasure Hunt puzzle will be released on the 3rd.
Get ready for another round of fun times!
Dear M.W., thank you for the chance to win a Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion, im disabled and dont get out of the city much, (San Francisco), i would probably not get a chance to find one unless you hid one here or close by in the bay area, if you do decide to hide a stone around here please let me know, i love treasure hunting, i try to talk some of my friends into going out, they say it sounds like fun but all they do is talk, they only thing i do now is metal detect at the parks some time, thank you again for this wonderful opportunity,
Thanks for the puzzle. 😉
Fun exercise to sharpen our FF puzzle solving skills. Thank you.