1. “… more than 10 years ago” means the treasure was hidden prior to 3/5/2010. This means the popular June/July 2010 likely hide date is incorrect.

    If it was there for the raid in early July 2009 during the raid and he hid it during summer, that would mean it was hid late July or August of 2009, right?

    Minotaur Moreno
    1. That’s one of my favorites, Mike! And I certainly think most searchers believe he hid the treasure more than 10 (binary) years ago.

      Related joke: Why do computer scientists confuse Halloween and Christmas?
      Because Oct 31 = Dec 25.

  2. Thank you for the “Featured Question,” Sue, Jenny, and Mr. Fenn. Gosh, that seems to be a funny answer. If he means verbally, he didn’t do so, but it doesn’t mean brown trout does or doesn’t have anything to do with home of Brown, other than finding the answer(s) in the poem.

  3. This is another one of Fenn’s Fabulous Double-edged Answers. LIke when he said, “I never said the treasure was buried, but I never said it wasn’t, either.” So he never said HoB had nothing to do with brown trout….but he didn’t say it did, either!

    Mary Lee Malcolm
  4. Seems as though “Sue” has a pre-conceived belief that brown in the poem must be in reference to brown trout. This is apparent by her capitalization of brown in her reference to brown trout. Therefore, it seems as though she was looking for some sort of confirmation of her pre-conceived belief. Be careful what you ask for.

  5. Thank you Forrest for continuing to engage us! It is still where you hid it so that leaves us with some hope for this upcoming 2020 season. I figure I’ve got maybe a handful of months yet to work out this tantalizing puzzle before the season gets into high gear. Happy hunting everyone!

    Dampened Myth

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