Dear Forrest,
The blogs a buzz with chatter, which is not new. I’ve been observing a lot of thoughts by “veteran” searchers who have been living and breathing your “Chase”, through at least a couple of years; comments indicating you may be frustrated, or annoyed, or that somebody is so close but just can’t pull off a win.
Here I ask the following in hopes our conversations can get back to the poem. Also, to follow, an unrelated question.
Q1) Is/are the searcher(s) still involved, those you had indicated in August of 2014, who were within 200 feet of the treasure?
A) I don’t want to answer that question because it would reveal too much. f
Q2) If so, are he/she any nearer at all after two years time?
A) Don’t know. Sorry. f
OOPS, one more on this (pretty please)
Q3) And IF he/she are still searching, after two years’ time, has ANYONE else neared or passed he/she in proximity to the above mentioned “within two hundred feet”? I’m hoping for a mind tingling, fire starting, blog buzzing answer from you, but just a response is fine by me!
A) No need for oops, but again, I don’t know. f
And last Q) At Fennboree, you were asking spallies about the aged silver and turquoise bracelet she wore, which has a turquoise butterfly, offset atop the original, silver, bezel shape. (If you answer I hope spallies will provide a picture! 🙂 )
You mentioned a very interesting fact about that particular turquoise, and how the oils of human skin had changed its hue from wearing it very close. I recall most of what you had said, but some was lost in the background noise. Could you please provide the name of that particular type of turquoise, and tell us again how it emerged as the butterfly spallies wore?
A) It was Cerrillos turquoise JD and I sincerely hope I didn’t say that it “emerged as a butterfly.” (I was not drinking). Turquoise from the Cerrillos mines, particularly the Tiffany mine, can be chalky and undesirable when mined. But when it is worn over long periods and absorbs oil from the skin it may turn a beautiful grass green, and be the best of all. f
I know it’s a lot, but I really don’t ask much! :).
Thanks so much, Forrest! You are welcome J. f
*a few notes from me(jenny). I asked Jdiggins if I could contact Spallies for an image. Which was fine, I did, and Spallies so generously sent the image to use for this posting. Also, Forrest did answer in red, after the questions Jdiggins asked and so I posted it that way. HOWEVER, I added the A) and Q), and some spacing to format the post for easier understanding. I think that is all. 🙂
Best of luck with The Thrill of the Chase and all that you seek! Treasure the Adventure!