Just as the Artist Cast it Away

The clues of the Maranatha Puzzle offered many different interpretations for puzzlers.  Each person considering the cluster of words followed various paths and researched numerous options.  It was possible any of them, each in their own way, could have led a person to a final intended conclusion.   The clue’s understandings, …

Find in the Ark of the Covenant

An interesting verse written in the Bible may offer a hint for the meaning of the September 2007 clue.  Given during the course of the Maranatha-Et in Arcadia Ego puzzle competition, the clue was as follows: “Find in a burden’s name the rod not to use, just as the artist cast it away” …

The Alchemical or Planetary Symbols in the Maranatha Puzzle

The Maranatha Puzzle contained a total of 69 alchemical or planetary symbols dispersed across the seven images.  The images themselves were based from the legendary lost book of Nicolas Flamel, but the addition of the symbols was more prominent to the Maranatha book. The symbols are assumed to hold some bearing for the finding of …