Six Questions with Custard Marks: The Creator of CustardQuest Armchair Treasure Hunts

Read, Unravel, Retrieve, Redeem! Four easy steps to claim cash prizes in CustardQuest treasure hunts. The following Six Questions is with the creator of these exciting armchair treasure hunts. Since 2012, over $1000 in cash has been awarded to finders! One hunt, CustardQuest IV, remains yet to be solved, and …

The CustardQuest Treasure Hunts

CustardQuest Treasure Hunts are said to be as easy as ‘Read, Unravel, Retrieve, and Redeem’.   One of the past winners found this to be just the case!  Wondering what to do one evening, Travis P. decided to read one of CustardQuest’s Treasure hunt stories.  Living near where CustardQuest had secreted …