My 1928 Knights in Shining Armor

As a researcher of quests for hidden treasure and an avid collector of games, I love finding items which combine elements of both.   I am easily drawn to games where player’s missions involve the search for, or gathering of, treasured items, like the newer games of Forbidden Island or Dragon’s …

The Two Player Game of Lost Cities

Lost cities and their forgotten treasures are out there to be discovered by those who are daring enough to venture into unknown lands.  Careful preparation and planning must be made to become named the most successful explorer, though.   In the thrilling two player card game of Lost Cities, you compete …

Treasure Game of Forbidden Island

The following article is the first for an additional category of this site:  Treasure Games I love the search for treasures, and love playing games in connection to treasures, as well.  There are many games, both of card and board, and even dice, which engage the thrills of treasure hunting.  When …