Found $10,000 Treasure Chest! Six Questions with Mindy and Stealth on Solving THE WHEEL- Card #2 of The Incredible Hunt

In June 2022, The Incredible Hunt launched! Six Treasures, each worth $10,000 were hidden somewhere in the US. Clues to discover the locations of these incredible treasures are to be found within a box – available for purchase on the hunt’s website. Each box contains a set of Six Cards, …

Found Treasures! Six Questions with Mike (‘Auggie’) on Will’s Treasure Hunt, The $25,000 Mission: Treasure Hunt, and More!

More and more armchair treasure hunts, both local and national, are happening each year. Mike and his team have been enjoying this hobby and has successfully found a few of these TREASURES! Their most recent find was this last weekend. They solved clues and discovered a treasure cache hidden by …