Questions and Answers on the Coded Words of Forrest Fenn in the Book: Armchair Treasure Hunts

In the back of my book, Armchair Treasure Hunts: The Quests for Hidden Treasure, are words from Forrest Fenn that are especially for searchers of the Chase.  However, they are in code- which goes along with the flowing and fun theme of the book. Although I have shared Questions and …

Armchair Treasure Hunts: The Quests for Hidden Treasures is Now Available

The highly anticipated book of Armchair Treasure Hunts: The Quests for Hidden Treasures by Jenny Kile, with the Foreword written by Forrest Fenn is now available! The book features the following:   (UPDATE: this book has been discontinued and replaced with The Ultimate Guide to Armchair Treasure Hunts.) Foreword by Forrest …

MW Codes, Ciphers, and Puzzle Series: The Pigpen Cipher and the Mysterious Grave of James Leeson at Trinity Church Manhattan

The Pigpen Cipher is a simple substitution cipher. Each letter is replaced by another symbol by using fragments of a grid as a key.  Although there are different geometric formats and arrangements for the key to be made, the following shows one example of a key as it was applied …