forrest fenn's book

Forrest, you like to play with capital letters on some of your words. The titles of your books are lower case, yet you use a capital on the word Brown. My question – Is there another word in the poem that should begin with a capital letter, but you chose to keep it lower case? If so, is that letter at the end of sentence? ~ Danny King 

Don’t think so Danny but sometimes I do things that I don’t mean to do. f





  1. Don’t think so Danny but sometimes I do things that I don’t mean to do. f

    That is a very funny sentence. He “meant” to put an I at the beginning of the sentence, and therefore “Don’t” wouldn’t be capitilzed. forrest is really Funny.

  2. Thank you for the “Featured Question,” Jenny, Danny, and Mr. Fenn. Answer is a bit puzzling, especially “…sometimes I do things I don’t mean to do.” My guess is Mr. Fenn is stating there isn’t a letter/word that should be capitalized in the poem besides what is written, and that he chose just to say “sometimes I do things I don’t mean to do” because sometimes this has happened in his life. I really don’t know. Truly puzzling. He seems precise in the things he says and does.

    1. Thanks Jenny, Danny and Mr. Fenn,
      Cool name Danny King and so is Jenny and Forrest Fenn, as far as that goes, lol. I hope I got those caps right. If not, it’s not like I didn’t mean to, it’s just that I’m only human.

  3. Forrest,

    Sometimes I do things that I don’t mean to, or I forget to do things that I planned on. It happens every time I go BOTG.

    I think I can speak for us all in stating that we would love to read another 6 questions in between you and Jenny. But I respect your decision to step away.

    Maybe one day I’ll get out to Santa Fe and be lucky enough have a cup of tea with you.


    Robert Szelinski

    Robert Szelinski
  4. Well…it was worth a shot Danny…asking the questions i mean.

    If there was sumthing that Forrest didn’t capitalize…but others would have…i see no capital offense on his part.

    Now if i only knew where the home of Brown was…i can go right to It.

    i’m thinking It’s an old schoolhouse…with a Big Bell on Top.

    Thank You, Jenny and Forrest…and Danny.


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