Featured Question with Forrest: Capitalization Rules
Mr. Fenn, Have the rules of capitalization been properly followed throughout the entire poem? ~ ChicagoDave Whose Rules, ChicagoDave?f
Mr. Fenn, Have the rules of capitalization been properly followed throughout the entire poem? ~ ChicagoDave Whose Rules, ChicagoDave?f
Egg Picture Contest Winners Announcement! What did they win? They will be receiving 3 Gaming Pieces from the San Lazaro Pueblo. These artifacts are true mysterious objects and date back to before 1650 AD. They also will receive a signed book by Forrest Fenn (The Secrets of San Lazaro Pueblo). (Images …
Nathanael Mortensen has brought the exciting activity of Treasure Hunting to the game table! His dream to develop a game for families and friends, for all to enjoy, resulted in his creation of the international card game called Dragon’s Hoard. It has been nominated as one of the top ten …
Mr. Fenn, After reading the blogs and personal emails from hunters over the past three months, do you think anyone is any closer to discovering the location of the treasure? ~ Madeline No Madeline, I don’t, but then I haven’t read most of the blogs. Please don’t be deterred …
Forrest didn’t want to miss out on the fun of creating a unique decorated egg picture and so decided to make one himself. It’s a beautiful example of what can be submitted for the contest! Here is what Forrest has to say about his egg: “The wooden egg in …
Hi Forrest, The medieval chest looks like it has a pretty fancy lock which must have been very difficult to make in those days. Can you please describe how the lock works and how it was made ? ~ Muset Muset, don’t underestimate the metalsmiths in ancient times. They …
Win San Lazaro Pueblo Artifacts dating back to before 1650 AD and a Signed book by Forrest Fenn The Winners of ‘who will create the most unique egg picture from the most unique finds’ will receive the following: (contest rules and way to submit an entry can be found ‘here’) …
NOTE: To learn more about this segment, please see the Parent Page (Questions with Duncan), which is listed under the Maranatha Treasure hunt. Mr. Burden, Do you feel you have discovered all that there is hidden on the Grail of Rennes le Chateau or do you feel you are still missing …
Forrest, you have stated that several searchers correctly identified the first two clues in your poem. Could you tell us how many searchers to your knowledge have correctly identified the first clue correctly? Thanks. ~49 Dollars No 49, I cannot tell you how many searchers have identified the first …
I love board games, and love hunting down old games to add to my collection. It is always a treasure hunt for me. I think anyone who has a collection can relate to this type of Thrill of the Chase. For many years I was on the lookout for the …