In the book, The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci (Harcourt 1945), is a telling sketch of a soldier that Leonardo da Vinci drew as a study for his Battle of Anghiari fresco (shown on left).  Both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were commissioned to decorate the Hall of Five Hundred in the Palazzo Vecchio in the early 1500’s.

Michelangelo was to depict a scene of the Battle of Cascina on one wall, while da Vinci was to display a scene known as the Battle of Anghiari on the opposite wall.  The finished portrayals were meant to celebrate victories of the Floretine armies.

Both works were unfortunately abandoned and the hall was later renovated, causing any remains of the incomplete images to be lost.  To briefly comment, recent investigations have been made to determine if the unfinished fresco by da Vinci may in fact stand behind the subsequent mural by Vasari.  Nothing as of yet has been confirmed on this.

Nevertheless, the Battle of Anghiari was admired by those who saw Leonardo’s work in progress and it is known various copies were made of the central section depicting the intense struggle for the banner.  Peter Paul Rubens’ depiction of the Battle of the Standard is one such painting directly based from Leonardo da Vinci’s impressive battle scene.

Recounted in Leonardo’s Notebooks (Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers 2005), are some of da Vinci’s thoughts on how a battle should be represented. Such as:

“Some maimed warrior may be seen fallen to the earth, covering himself with a shield, while the enemy, bending over him, tries to deal him a deathstroke” or “Others represent shouting with their mouths open, and running away.  You must scatter arms of all sorts among the feet of the combantants, as broken shields, lances, broken swords and other such objects.”

It is noticed certain thoughts of the above are captured in the image by Rubens (shown right) and were most likely included in da Vinci’s orignal Battle of Anghiari.  Interesting to notice, in both the Rubens copy and the da Vinci study sketch, is the similarity of the facial expression to that of the devil (referred to as Asmodeus- shown above right) at Rennes le Chateau.   One can assume, like the soldiers in battle, Asmodeus too is being depicted as being involved in battle.  In support of this is, the inscription above Asmodeus of, “by this sign you will conquer him.”  The devil may indeed be ‘shouting with his mouth open,’ and although not ‘running away’ like detailed in da Vinci’s notes, the way for his defeat has been given.  But, victory may not simply happen ‘by this sign’ (believed to be the cross) alone.

Ephesians 6:10-18 speaks of the importance of the Armor of God and battle.  Verse 11 states, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”  Further within the chapter, the armor needed is given; belt of truth and shield of fatih to name but two.  It is a spiritual struggle/battle against the “dark world” and “forces of evil”.

It would seem that although it is said ‘by this sign you will conquer him’, it isn’t by the cross solely. A full armor is needed like said above.  Could it actually be ‘by the cross(this sign) and this horse of God?’  Shared within a previous article discussing the particular section, by the cross and this horse of God, in the phrase deciphered from the Grand Parchment, is a suggestion for ‘this horse of God’ to be man’s preparation for battle; as related to Ephesians (full armor) and Proverbs 21:31. (“The horse is made ready for the day of battle but victory rests with the Lord.”)

Asmodeus, the legendary guardian of Solomon’ treasure, is curiously shown at Rennes le Chateau gazing down at the black and white tiled floor of the church.   Referred to, (along with Jesus), in Le Serpent Rouge, he is said to ‘observe their alignment’.  The likeness of chessboard with alternating tiles would suggest a battle, since chess was invented to teach nobility about military strategy.  It is a game where an opponent must master the other. King against King; each trying to defeat the other.

With this in mind, I imagine those, who by the cross and who also prepare for battle, will ultimately say, “CheckMate”, and Asmodeus may indeed ‘go running with his mouth shouting’ as described by da Vinci of some one who leaves the battleground.



    1. The book plate is semi understandable, as it shows an angel and a ‘demon’ in chains, which could be a depiction of the scene from Tobit.
      The devil in the church has no reason to be linked with Asmodeus as far as I can see. It does not appear to link to the physical description of Asmodeus and the purchase of the statue appears to have no reference to Asmodeus. Given that it is under a stoop, it would seem to be simply the ‘devil’ – the devil being beaten by the sign of the baptism – and hence the legend placed there ‘Par ce….’.

      It seems that the ‘myth’ of it being Asmodeus was fabricated – it also seems that it may have been a play on the Devil on Two Sticks – where Asmodeus is injured in a fight, and is then seen with a ‘stoop’ – ie a limp caused by the injury. So demon with a stoop, becomes the demon under the stoop.

      1. Hi Horatio, thanks for your question.

        In one of my previous posts, ‘The Receiver at Rennes le Chateau’, I shared where it is thought the name ‘Asmodeus’ originated. It is believed to have been first written in Gerard de Sede’s book. Many feel the name was chosen because of Asmodeus’ links to ‘Treasure.’ Perfect, like Nate said, for the PoS team.

        But, for Sauniere, the ‘devil’ was probably just a representation of sin or our sinful nature. I mention (same post) my thoughts on how his placement at the door links nicely to a verse in the Bible, Genesis 4:7, which contains; “Sin crouching at your door.”

        Asmodeus (as referred to at Rennes le Chateau these days, but you can call him whatever you like) is indeed crouching at the door. We are told in that Bible verse we must ‘master it’. My feelings are that this connection is more of Sauniere’s reason for placing and using this ‘devil.’

        It is true, like you imply, what the Plantard PoS team says and what Sauniere meant may not always be the same. The question, then for me though (and I think others), is do they both lead to the same ‘supposed’ ‘secret’?

        1. Julie,
          OK, so Sauniere didn’t buy an ‘Asmodeus’. The link between the statue and Asmodeus starts some 40+ years after Sauniere.
          So it is not an oddity of the Church per se – a (the) ‘devil’ being defeated by the act of baptism is an apt depiction for a church.
          So you are then left with a problem, as if Sauniere did not decorate the Church with Asmodeus, and that link is a modern link made some decades later, then what relevance has Asmodeus got other than in the mind of De Sede? Was it just a pun? A humorous joke that he made – the ‘stooping’ devil (‘As each one knows, the lame devil is Asmodeus.’) – the devil under the stoup – where stoup can be read as ‘with a stoop’ ie lame/limping or with a stoup (with a water holder).

          1. Not that I care (you can call me Julie if you want), but my name is Jenny (or Sixer).

            For speculation, it is possible the name Asmodeus was chosen to offer a clue for the solving or understanding of the mystery of Rennes le Chateau or Sauniere; assuming there is a ‘secret’ of Sauniere, and that they knew of it. Although the use of a devil is not out of place, Sauniere still may have had a wider reason to use it. Maybe he didn’t think it was necessary to name ‘him’ at the time, or maybe he did ‘secretly’ consider it was ‘Asmodeus’. We don’t know for sure.

            There could be many possibilities for ‘why Asmodeus?’ Your pun idea is as good as any, and it is true the name may have been given for that sole reason. I think it depends on whether you believe in the possibility that the PoS team, or Sauniere, was hiding something. If not, then who really cares what he is called. If so, then it might matter and it may imply there is something more to the name than mere fun.

            To give an example of what I mean; let’s totally speculate for a moment and say there is a secret of ‘Sauniere’ and it is on how to become a ‘Master’. Thinking people would think of Genesis 4:7(because the devil is obviously crouching at the door and we are told to master it), then Sauniere may not have felt the need to name him.

            But, (and remember, just speculating here), the PoS learn of ‘this secret mastering process or device’ and feel giving the name to the devil, as Asmodeus, helps because people will think of the story of Solomon and how he ‘mastered’ Asmodeus and so on….

      2. Nate,
        It’s difficult to sort out the wheat from the chaff.
        The play on stoop only comes if you take De Sede’s comment re every one knowing the limping devil is Asmodeus. And tracing that back, the allusion to Asmodeus having a limp seems to come from ‘The Devil On Two Sticks’ by Alain-Rene Le Sage – 17th Century. BUT it could in itself be another play on words – as a devil on two sticks is also another name for the ‘game’ diabolo, where a ‘cup’ is balanced on a string between two sticks.
        But irrespective, the tie is via De Sede AFAIK (unless someone can show the statue being referred to as Asmodeus before De Sede) so has no provenance before the 20th century.

        What I find intriguing about the PoS myth itself, is whether RLC was used to promote PoS or PoS were (if such an organization again existed outside of the realms of Plantard et al) trying to promote interest in RLC. It seems to me that the PoS team of pranksters had heard of RLC and knew of the ‘known’ strange wealth of Sauniere – and then wove another myth around that on the basis that myth breeds myth – ie as people wouldn’t be able to explain away Sauniere’s wealth, other myths would be believed on the ‘there’s no smoke without fire’ principle. Throwing in Asmodeus then is a work of genius, as at one fell swoop it ties in Solomon, treasure and the Masons. So simply by linking Asmodeus to RLC it alluded to the source of Suaniere’s wealth being a treasure and could have a provenance woven into the mists of history.

        Maybe it was a land purchase scam ;-). Maybe the PoS’eurs planned to buy tracts of land around RLC. Then drum up loads of prospective purchasers with fables of the ‘long lost treasure’ of RLC – Solomon, Asmodeus, fabulously wealthy priests, murdered priests, clues in paintings, Fouquet…blah blah blah.

        After what, 30 years since HBHG and 50 years since De Sede, what does anyone actually know? What facts have been proven? No one can even prove where Sauniere got the money. Simony? Donations from powerful people?
        Maybe we need Duncan and the team – as wasn’t this their raison d’etre? Weren’t they trying to sort out the fact from fiction when they allegedly came across the ‘true’ secret? In all the years of Maranatha and Tweleve, POS Group, Mania,Arcadia and god knows how many other forums, books, researchers – has there been one fact unearthed that is truly provable and of any importance?
        No one has actually shown that the decorations of the church are anything else than that – simple church decorations. Devil under a font, quotes from the bible, stations of the cross, saints statues, checkered floor (Doesn’t Notre Dame have a checkered floor, and Westminster Abbey?) – nothing odd in themselves – nothing odd in them being in a church ( a bit odd if they had been in a local pub).

        I think my only reason now for being interested is knowing how much of a fool I’ve been for following all this – and the vague chance that there may be something behind it after all! Always that nagging doubt.

        1. There is one thing that is definitely odd in the church of Rennes le Chateau: In the 14th station of the cross, the would from the lance is on Christ’s left side. The Bible says specifically it was on the right side, and traditionally it’s always shown on the right side. It’s the sort of thing that doesn’t really happen by mistake. It’s like wearing a wedding ring on the wrong finger by mistake.

  1. The Word “Battle” is very misleading here. And the clue is in the description of what is required. Armour. Its speaks of armour and shield. Nothing aggressive , like you would assume a warrior to have to fight back.

    This is purely passive process. Trust and faith in God is your armour and shield against the tricks and attack of the devil.

    This leads to interesting question why does devil exist. The devil is the master of material world and is fail safe mechanism to stop people from appoarching higher realms.Until they are ready to do so. If you attempt to appoarch the higher realms, and are not ready, you will be mislead by the devil. Its to stop you damaging your soul. Good and Evil are just forces in nature and don’t have qualities that man attachs to them. Its like electricity, is it good or evil? it all depends how its used and a person view point.

    When you are ready he will test you and will test you to the point of breaking. This is hardest undertaking anyone can take on this earth. Only your faith in God (armour and shield) will get you through these tests by devil. Most important thing its not an aggressive , force on force battle. Its a passive battle.


  2. Sorry Jenny.
    You say ‘…Although the use of a devil is not out of place, Sauniere still may have had a wider reason to use it. Maybe he didn’t think it was necessary to name ‘him’ at the time, or maybe he did ‘secretly’ consider it was ‘Asmodeus’….”

    But that’s the point – there’s no record of Sauniere calling or naming the statue ANYTHING. Sauniere may have ‘secretly’ thought it was Beelzebub or Samael or…. but if he ‘secretly’ thought that, then no one knows.

    You then say:
    ‘…I think it depends on whether you believe in the possibility that the PoS team, or Sauniere, was hiding something. If not, then who really cares what he is called….’

    But why link Sauniere there (given that there’s no record of him saying it was Asmodeus) and why PoS? What is PoS? Are you then saying that De Sede is PoS? And if De Sede is PoS, what provable link is there back from the 1950s to late 18th century RLC?

    Surely I could make up any organization today, let’s call it OdS, and then write a tract linking it very loosely to a location. Does that make OdS real (or is it a figment of my imagination), and how then does it make a mystery of the target location?

    Sauniere decorated a church. He put a devil under a baptismal font – a devil cowering unedr the holy water – not odd. He had a chequered floor made (I know loads of buildings with that) – not odd. He used biblical quotes – not odd. He had the stages of the cross depicted – not odd. He had statues of saints made – not odd.
    I would bet that 99% of all PoS followers, if they looked at other churches would ignore similar decorations as being anything odd at all – it’s only because you’ve been told that they’re odd (starting with HBHG?) that they assume some mystical importance. And who started this myth? Sauniere? I don’t think so. What writing is there during his life, or even up to the 50’s that says anything about ‘odd’ decorations at RLC?
    So if PoS was involved – and if PoS is ancient – why no link to RLC? Why does RLC only assume it’s place in mythistory in the 50s?

    PS I don’t think the Devil was by the door originally either was it? I think I recall reading that the Devil originally held a pitch fork (hence the position of his hand) and was moved and the pitch fork removed because the ornament kept snagging the clothing of the parishioners.

    1. Hi Horatio, no need to apologize for your questions, I appreciate them. However, any answer I give will not confirm anything in your mind. It’s like asking if God exists. He can’t be proven or disproven in minds.

      I feel the same goes for much of the mystery of Rennes le Chateau and the reason for my use of many ‘maybe’s’ and for saying it all depends on what you believe. I think each of us needs to ask the questions you have offered each ourselves. Your answers will be the best for you. Mine, for me.

      And although there are facts which cannot be tossed aside, I do still see mystery entwined. My choice and I do not force it on anyone. To get back to the original post, I questioned ‘How do we master him?’ I ask to cause wonder, that is all. You may see nothing questionable in the surrounds. But, I see possibilities to explore and don’t mind speculating if an answer cannot be found.

      Hope you understand I answered the best I could.

  3. Jenny,
    I was apologising fir calling you Julie!

    Isn’t this the major problem with ‘RLC’? – if you look at the 19th Century and Sauniere there are a couple of oddities that have been documented from the time – so are ‘real’ ie they do not appear to be a later creation..

    BUT, if you look at the PoS related stuff, it seems to be a fantasy created by a group of people that has been latched into and then, being projected onto RLC creates a mystery where none was originally.

    What is actually known to be true about RLC? What bits can be stated as being fact?

  4. Not to cut in on the conversation, but I can clearly SEE the relevence of the understanding of OSMODEUS as it relates to Image by Rubens. What is interesting is that that the Horseman (perhaps Demon King) having the Face resembling the devil has it’s back turned (get behind thee Satan), and if I had to take a GUESS, I would say that the “two opposing horsemen” behind him SYMBOLICALLY represent his Brothers (BREATHerin) representing the “Two Opposing Sides” (of Osmodeus) engaged in battle.

    For now, I will not assume that your reference to the FACE of Osmodeus represents a HUMAN face, although it could ALSO mean that. For it makes sense to me that you also see what I see. The FACES of the
    TWO HORSES ridden by the TWIN BROTHERS/HORSEMEN (Acvins) are CONJOINED. And it’s in the “Conjoining” that we see what appears to be the TRUE FACE of OSMODEUS as illustrated by Solomon as a kind of “Demon-Like” Face (perhaps I saw it in the Goetia. I dont remember). But I do remember the face.

    On the chest (Breastplate?) of the Demon King (Osmodeus) who has his back turned, we see the SIGN (Aries) of the RAM, perhaps a reference to “And you will be given a SIGN.” ARIES represents the understanding for the LION because the Hebrew name for Lion is ARI, a reference to “the Lion that crouches at the door.” Actually, when I FIRST looked at the Faces of the Two Conjoined Horses, I SAW a Lion. So it’s possible that this is also implied.

    The Secret to Defeating “The LION which ROARS in Battle” is to apply the BRIDLE to the LIONS (or the two horses mouths);

    “Who can DISCOVER the FACE of his GARMENT? Or who can come to HIM (Asmodeus) with his DOUBLE BRIDLE?” (Job 41:13)

    The LOGIC for the BRIDLE? It should make sense that there are MANY possibilties for the understanding of such an Answer. ONE of the explanations is that the Lion is HUNGRY. Otherwise, it would NOT be crouching
    At the DOOR in search of it’s PREY (Pray/Prayer). And as the “Old Saying” goes, “As the person IS, so he THINKS.” Those who are Meat Eaters (Carnivores) reason that they can appease the Lion by offering it MEAT (Flesh), while Vegetarians might reason that they can appease the Lion by offering it … let’s say for a moment, FRUIT.

    This reminds me of the story in Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi” where Yogananda met a SAINT who had a Lion which was a Vegitarian. The Lion tried to Roar, but all that came out of it’s mouth was a sound that sounded like a LITTLE “AUM!!!” Ha Ha!

  5. The subject of the identification of Asmodeus was covered briefly on Tweleve:

    Cleophas and Alphaeus

    So did someone (De Sede) try to link:
    Paul Lucas
    Egypt (Land of White and Red)
    Poussin (via Arcadia paintings – one shows Alpheus?)
    Mary Clopas (Alphaeus)

    from a simple tie in of Asmodeus to a limping devil, hence to the Devil On Two Sticks, to Aladdin, to Cleophas, to Alpheus, to Poussin – or do I have an over active imagination? I can potentially see a link, but do not understand what the link, if intended, is showing.

    1. Nate,
      I’m not sure whether you’re saying that it all will be linked because the devil is behind it – and he’s the master of deceit , or that the devil will always be a thread in all links.

      Taking the second point – the devil as the link – the ‘devil’ isn’t the linking factor though – the link follows from one thing to the next

      The link starts with De Sede implying the status is Asmodeus – ‘limping devil’ – limping devil then leads to ‘Devil With Two Sticks’ – that has a main character Don Cleophas – Cleophas links to two characters in the bible – of those characters there’s a link to Alphaeus – Alph[a]eus is the river/god that appears in the Poussin Arcadia painting. The underground stream.

      As a second thread – the Devil on Two Sticks has Asmodeus trapped in a bottle, like the genii in Aladdin – Aladdin was written as an add on to the 1001 nights in 1710 by a character called Antoine Galland – who heard it from a Syrian from Aleppo – who was brought to France by Paul Lucas – Paul Lucas travelled the middle east (on command from Louis XIV – and allegedly ‘met’ Asmodeus. Asmodeus in this story is manifested as a regenerative serpent (where do we hear of serpents in Maranatha).
      Louis XIV is linked to RLC via two routes – Fouquet and the purchase of Poussin’s Arcadian Shepherds

      The other simple links is that Asmodeus is heavily linked with Solomon and the Temple. Solomon and the Temple form the mainstay of Freemasonry.

      So ‘the devil’ doesn’t appear to be the thread that flows through. The thread seems to start with De Sede saying that ‘everyone knows the limping devil is Asmodeus’. Did De Sede have these links in mind – who knows? It would make sense that Paul Lucas/Antoine Galland/Le Sage would be better known within France than outside – so maybe he was already aware of a tie up between Lucas – Galland – Le Sage – so simply by quoting Asmodeus he starts the thread – the question would be why? Maybe it was unintentional and Asmodeus simply as a treasure demon was all he wanted to imply – and the other links above are mere coincidence.

      1. Nate,
        I had read that Egypt originally took it’s name from Khem – meaning black. But I also thought that over time, the land split into two kingdoms and the two kings wore different crowns – one white, the other red ( – the lands ‘of’ white and red. The two crowns were then combined into one crown for any ruler of the joint kingdoms.
        Did you manage to ‘seek’ and identify Asmodeus in the land of white (Albion)?

    2. It’s hard to tell how many of those links were intended by Sauniere, and how many were then added by De Sede, the Priory of Sion, etc.

      What I think is happening here is that Sauniere stumbled on to something quite big, that eventually allowed him to make big bucks. And he left clues in the church to this big thing. The Priory of Sion knew enough to realize what sort of thing Sauniere had found, and they pointed to this mystery for their own reasons, probably in the hope of finding out more than they knew already.

      Because it’s a coherent whole, when you start picking at one part of it, you start finding patterns that are consistent with other clues you may find elsewhere. The pattern includes the Temple of Solomon (therefore Asmodeus), Egypt, Poussin, Alpheus and the crucifixion/resurrection.

  6. Horatio … Much of the understanding of Religion is based on “Word Play.” So, sometimes it can help if we study the LATIN WORD origens as they relate to the understanding of the word. There is a LATIN DICTIONARY located Online which I use. You mentioned the word CLEOPHUS. This bears SOME resembkence to these LATIN words:

    Claudus – lame

    Claudio – to limp, halt, be lame, or to hobble. 

    Claudo – to confine, shut up, close, besiege or blockaide.


    Modeo – A grain measure. A bushal basket.

    Modus – Measure, Bound, limit/ Manner,method, mode, way.

    The EGYPTIANS often likened the MODIUS (not sure if the spelling is correct) to a Type of CROWN which resemles a SILO used to store grain, the Engish word SILO being derived from the Latin word CIELO which means SKY. If I am not mistaken, The MODIUS represented the CROWN which was worn by the SKY Goddess HATHER (as NUTT?), although HATHER is more of a reference to a COW, which has Tie-ins to the understanding of the APIS BULL as represented a type of SACRIFICE which was EATEN by the KING.

    Type in WIKPEDIA OSMODEUS as a search term. Look at the PICTURE of OSMODEUS. Wikpedia DOES describe Osmodeus as “The DEVIL on TWO STICKS.” So it’s POSSIBLE thay you are seeing the CHICKEN LEG thinking that this represents some reference to the LIMP, but MY OWN understanding is that the STICKS are really NOT some references to the TWO LEGS but rather represent the understanding for TWO POLES (Sticks), which is more of a reference to TWO MAGNETIC POLES symboling the understanding for the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (End) as they relate to the understanding of the HUSBAND and WIfE.

    The word DEVIL (in general) is MORE of a reference to ANY ONE of the SEVEN Orional SINS, for example, Greed, Lust, Wrath, etc. These SEVEN SINS are often associated with the DIETY BA’AL (Ball) as representing this type of SON which is produced from the MATING of the DEMON KING SAMAEL (as the Father) with the DEMON QUEEN LILLITH as the MOTHER, the STICKS being more of a reference to the understanding of the TWO POLES as represemting the understanding of the Father and Mother.

    ASMODEUS is associated with the SIN called LUST. This is MORE of a reference to this type of TANTRIC SEXUAL TRAnSMUTATION practice where others begin to reason that perhaps BRAHMA was NOT BORN but HATCHED from this type of EGG (Ball), which has it’s ROOTS in the understanding of LILLETH as the Mother, who is ALSO the Hindu Goddesd KALI who entices others to SIT ON and NURTURE her EGG so that it will become her SON, as the HEIR (Air) Apparent to the THRONE. This represents ONE END of the POLE.

    Only the RARE MAN understands BOTH ENDS. Yogananda, BEFORE he realized GOD, understood BOTH ENDS as they relate to the understanding of Samael and Lilleth, and began to understand the SACRIFICE as. A reference to his HEALTH. He began to experience these pains in his LIVER.


    “Asmodeus is depicted with the BREAST of a MAN, the LEG of a COCK, a SERPENT (Dragon) TAIL, and THREE HEADS … One of a Man SPITTING FIRE (A Dragon), one of a SHEEP, and one of a BULL (Calf/Hebrew Egel), RIDING a LION with DRAGON WINGS and NECK.”

    However judging by the PICTURE in Wikpedia, there is something MISSING from the Description. The EARS on the FACE of the MAN resemble that of of either a GOAT (Sattyr/Pan) or a MULE (Ass). My own understanding is that they reoresent the EARS of a MULE (ASS), probably because the MULE SITS on it’s ASS as representing his THRONE SEAT (Chariet), which ALSO represents the Throne SEAT for the SERPENT/DRAGON (ASP/ASS), and POSSIBLY for the LION which CROUCHES in seach of it’s Prey in the form of FOOD represented by the MILLSTONE (BA’AL).

    The SPINE represents the CHURNNING ROD (Stick) being YOKED (or pulled) by the BREATH of TWO HORSES, each pulling in opposite Directions, on ONE END sits the Mothet Lilleth who Nurtures the Cocatrice
    Egg from the bottom, while SAMAEL as the CROWN (Modius) pulls from the TOP representing the understAnding for the SKY GOD as HATHER (The COW), as a type of COW which flies in the AIR like an EAGLE.

    To understand BA’AL:

    Hebrew ABBA = Father

    EL = GOD

    However ABBA represents the TRANSLATED word. The ORIGIONAL word for FATHER … BEFORE beinng TRANSLATED is AB (Alleph Beth as Father/Son), just as the ORIGIONAL word for SON (BEN) BEFORE being TRANSLATED is BA, a reference to the the CRY or SOUND that is made by the SHEEP or LAMB as a reference to the SON (BA) as a SACRIFICE.

    So BA’AL actually has a meaning that is CLOSE to “SON of GOD.” Although BA’AL is probably some reference to the BLUE PEARL, there are others who believe that this is more of a reference to a DODECAHEDRON than it is to a SPHERE. Then again, Blue Pearls are hard enough to find. While Blue Dechahedrons are virtually impossible to find.

    Goddess KALI

  7. It is also in the story of Merlin – the ‘mage’ (magi? master?). When Vortigern was trying to erect a tower, it kept collapsing. Vortigern was advised to seek a child born without a father (the ‘widow’s son’?) and sprinkle his blood on the foundations. Merlin (Ambrosius in early stories) is the boy. Merlin identifies the problem as being caused by two dragons (serpents – a serpents den) in a lake beneath the tower – one white, one red – their fighting causes the tower to fall. The white representing the Saxons, and the red the original Britons. The dragons (serpents) fight again, and the red serpent wins.

    It is also odd that the standard of ‘England’ is red/white – all be it for a different reason – in this tale the red is from the blood of Joseph of Arimethea. But that tale also links into the Arthurian myths.

    1. The two dragons remind me of the two serpents of Nicholas Flamel’s Hieroglyphic Figures, also present in other alchemical texts. Often eating each other’s tail, and of opposite colours (white and black, or white and red). I think one is meant to be male (active) and the other female (passive). The tower and the lake can be found next to each other in the Tarot (the cards of the Tower and the Star).

  8. I thought Fremasonry had ‘tools’ – the square, the compass, the level. I also thought the story of Hiram had the murderers using a maul – wasn’t that the last implement used in the death of Hiram?
    Symbolically, they speak of the candidate as the undressed stone – so it’s not shaping stones that they allude to but shaping the candidates character.

    1. There’s an awful lot of confusion with the tools of freemasonry, and I think it’s because some of them are symbolic, and some of them are literally used. Freemasons do use square and compass to make geometric figures. And I think they also literally use watches (with hands, not digital ones). But I don’t think they use stone-working tools literally.

  9. It’s like there are all of these “different ways” of understanding the “whole Mystery.” For example, Geometry, the Elements, the body and mind, etc. And the understanding of all of these different things seem to bear some relationship to one another.

    Actually, Nate, I LIKE how your understanding of the ELEMENT AIR is linked with the ANGELS. For me, this same Element (Air) cooresponds with the HEART (Inner Man). You also mentioned that Demons like Fire and Water which also “makes sense” to me. You mention that Asmodeus (Lust) is linked to the Element EARTH. Actually, this is also starting to “make sense” to me. Also INTERESTING is how you link the understanding of the Ark (Arc) of the Covenent with the Element ETHER (Heaven).

    Whether the ARC is some reference to FIRE OR ETHER, it would appear that EITHER view seems to “make sense” to me. Perhaps the “General Understanding” is that the ANGELS play a “key role” in the whole understanding.

    Actually, I got to thinking about all of this:

    “Poussin and Teniers HOLD the KEY:”

    It makes sense to me that the person Kneeling down on one knee in the painting “Into Arcadia I (Poussin) Go,” is Poussin HIMSELF. “Tenniers is a reference to DAVID (Tenniers) as it also relates to the understanding of the KEY of DAVID as mentioned in these verses from Revelations 3:6 – 3:7

    “He that hath an EAR to HEAR, let him Hear what the Spirit hath to say to the Churches (Temples).”

    “And the ANGEL of the Church (Temple) in Philidelphia, write; These things sayeth the Holy (Holey) and True that hath the KEY of DAVID that Openeth and Man Shutteth, and Shutteth and Man Openeth.”

    There is also a verse which reads:

    “He (Jesus) Riseth from Supper, LAID ASIDE his GARMENTS, and took the TOWEL which he had Girded Himself with.” (John 13:4)

    Actually, it’s my belief that the Towel is more of a reference to a type of GLOVE. Part of the Logic for this is that The Zohar mentions the fact that the NAILS (Fingernails) are UNCLEAN.

  10. I don’t know where the salamanders are in the stoup. But in any case, I doubt the correspondence with the elements is as you say, because they would be in the wrong order. The order of absolute initiation in freemasonry is earth, air, fire and water. And looking from bottom to top, you have earth, water and air, which is the wrong order, no matter where fire fits.

    On the other hand, the angels on top do represent the four elements, with the directions and colours:

    North, white, water.
    South, red, fire.
    East, blue, air.
    West, green, earth.

    There’s more to this (including why East and West are reversed), but I wrote it already in another comment on “The sacred vault of masonry”.

  11. On the hill just south of Rennes les Bains is the ‘Devil’s Armchair’ (Le Fautuil du Diable), it is this stone chair that Sauniere has depicted Asmodeus sitting rather awkwardly in. Although in the church he appears to be looking down at the floor, from the stone chair one actually looks down on Rennes les Bains, as the priest intends. The finger and thumb of Asmodeus’ right hand forms the letter ‘O’; his left hand is on his (crossed over) right kneecap – the French for which is ’rotule’ – inviting us to read from right to left and so reading ‘elutor’. Breaking the word down, ‘elu’ (meaning ‘elected’ or ‘chosen’), the ‘t’ is silent, and we are left with ‘O’ and ‘R’ … OR (gold). From the Parchment Lincoln read, ‘The corn (gold) of Redis (is) only for the priesthood (elected)’. Sauniere is pointing to the Church in Rennes les Bains.

    At the top of Parchment One there is a symbol resembling a ‘triangle with tails’. Sauniere saw that this symbol could be drawn through the heads of the shepherds in Poussin’s painting of the Arcadian Shepherds … that is a map. The first shepherd is the hill of Rennes-le-Chateau, the upper ‘tail’ goes to the tall shepherdess (Cardou), and the lower ‘tail’ takes one straight to Rennes les Bains. The symbol on the bottom of P2 is not only Poussin’s monogram ‘N Povsin’; it also names the church … ‘St NAZ’-

    St Nazaire Et Celse. Which is where one will find King Dagobert’s gold, ‘The Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau’.

  12. Constantine didn’t simply see a cross, he saw a cross above the sun. I think it’s quite possible that this amounts to the same thing as “the cross and this horse of God”. But there also is another possibility: the sun could mean the Zodiac, and on the Zodiac it’s possible to draw a hexagram.

  13. Here is a story for you. The sign that wins is the salamander. It is the indicator of groundwater and lives in headwaters and forests that fit the description of Deuteronomy 11 vs. 10-17. It is and has always been a water sign ithat lives in vernal ponds and headwaters of moraines. God himself describes as the promised land as an outwash moraine system where the hills drink the water. Salamanders are the protector of the font. Like the holy grail salamanders have amazing healing properties regenerating it’s tails or toes. When removed they regrow all form of cellular tissues each in the correct positioning from bone to skin to muscle. Hybrid species like the Tremblay or Silvery salamanders have three DNA strands which could provide medical experts with a way to cure birth defects lacking a healthy chromosome like downs syndrome. Protecting it protects our water. Even the Unicorn works to protect it’s habitat from poisonous snakes which one could think of as pipelines perhaps. The victorious horse looks like the one of Thomaso Di Savoy. Interesting to note the mask on the victorious warrior. Looks like a hump back woman akin to a crone working to rescue the raped women. Those who harm the environment do so in a manner akin to a rape. Is this mother nature or an ndigenous woman fighting back? Either way there is violence without consent taking place.. The salamander warrior is the hero. The one who was burned in life but fighta on. The Lord uses the meek to shame the strong. The meek shall iinherit the earth and water themes are evident in the armour. The mask of a bearded man .could that be Membertou? First indigenous person in North America to be baptized when the Vatican Concordat of 1610 recognized the Mi’kmaw as a Nation 250 years before Canada was a nation. The man had a beard. Very rare back in the day. The bejeweled ram skull promoting a culture of death as fashionable or desirable thing will be conquered.

  14. In my view Water is the treasure. It is the most sacred thing in life. In church the priests washes his hands before holding the grail. Water is mixed with wine and is used to represent Christ. When Christ was pierced on the cross water came out not blood. The blood of Christ is water and is sacred.
    The salamander is the guardian. Where it lives we must protect. The wetlands, headwaters and vernal ponds are it’s dwelling. It is the source of clean drinking water and refills wells. Keep that animal protected. Protect those kinds of habitats so we can protect the greatest natural treasure: clean water.

    That’s how we can defeat the greedy devils in the world. Protect the water and keep it sacred by saying no to the projects that will pollute it.

    1. “Of all of the Elements, the Sage takes Water as his preceptor.” (Tao Te Ching)

      That’s true. A lot of people believe that water is capable of storing memory, much like the silicon chips found in computers. A man named Emoto first pointed this fact out, and now there are websites like “Water Codes” (named after the book) which explain that the molecular structure of water can be rearranged so that it conforms with holy water (bio-water).

      … Nates Snowflake theory. lol.

  15. I think the most interesting thing about the painting of the battle is the theme: four horsemen (like the horsemen of the Apocalypse) fighting for a standard. What’s in the standard? The painting doesn’t show, but in the battle of Anghiari one of the sides was Milan, that has a flag very similar to the flag of England (not the same as the flag of the UK).

    Maria Rigel
  16. The demon may represent earth as stated, but more specifically an element or mineral from the earth, something red, maybe the cinnabar of alchemy. He is supporting the holy water, our philosophical wine, our Mercury, meaning that the creation of this holy water rests on that mineral of earth, whatever it may be. Truly in my opinion, he is guarding the mystery of the Alkahest and Menstruum, and Philosopher’s Stone.


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