Hello, thank-you for visiting Mysterious Writings. As the Welcome page states, this site is about different quests for treasure, mystery, and adventure. So many things! It also features Six Questions.
But to say something about me, and to introduce myself; my name is Jenny. I live in the U.S. with my husband and our four children where we enjoy a quiet country life.
As can be seen in the picture of me when I was younger, I have always been intrigued by puzzles. The links of that particular mystery soon fell into place after enough persistence, maneuvering, and contemplation. However, I have discovered not all puzzles are so easily solved. Many remain.
I feel the abundance of mystery is one of the many gifts of life. How fantastic it is to know, the more one knows, the more there remains to know; and most importantly, the humbling realization of how much one doesn’t know. The world is an unceasing stream of wonder in which only drops can ever be held for a time.
The information on the site is shared from my perspective.
I should add,
Where needed, permission from the rightful owners has been granted for any and all material posted.
Feel free to make comment, share ideas, or offer insights. So much is a mystery that a lifetime of compiling would only bring to one place a fraction of what is available to be explored or mused upon. I welcome constructive contributions. And since Mysterious Writings is an ongoing work, if at first you don’t find anything of interest today, please bookmark the site and come back later. I feel there are mysteries for all of us to contemplate and my hope is that you will find one, if not here, then elsewhere.
I believe it’s true,
“To live without a mystery, is to languish.”
The Ultimate Game
“The same Solomon the king, although he excelled in the glory of treasure and magnificent buildings, of shipping and navigation, of service and attendance, of fame and renown, and the like, yet he maketh no claim to any of those glories, but only to the glory of inquisition of truth; for so he saith expressly, “The glory of God is to conceal a thing, but the glory of the king is to find it out”; as if, according to the innocent play of children, the Divine Majesty took delight to hide his works, to the end to have them found out; and as if kings could not obtain a greater honour than to be God’s play-fellows in that game.”—Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning (1605)
I thank the authors of Maranatha- Et in Arcadia Ego, whether intended or not, for the Ultimate Game. The hunt which inspired my quest beyond the ordinary.
Please feel free to friend or follow me on facebook for continuing information on various quests and mysteries!
And you are welcome to visit my other Sites:
Along with being a writer, I am a treasure hunter, game enthusiast, researcher, and founder of Kardtects Building Cards. I manage a few websites dedicated to these varied interests and enjoy sharing adventures in each!
Some of the topics I write about on my sites include: Searching for lost treasures (MysteriousWritings.com (which is this site :)), how to build a card house (Kardtects.com), and Collecting wonderful board games of the 1800’s (AllAboutFunandGames.com). I feel Fun is Every Where and I welcome all to join in the fun with me!
My motto is: Treasure the Adventure!
You might also be interested in the children’s books I’ve written displayed below. They keep with the Questing Theme and are available on Amazon:
Summary for the book Cat Tails:
Chester, Pete, Sophie, and Max notice they do not have long tails like other cats on the farm, and decide they must be missing! Find out what these four kittens discover on their adventurous search while looking for their long lost tails!
This photographic fantasy is sure to make you smile!
It was inspired by kittens which were actually born without tails on my farm. (well 2 had no tails, 2 had half tails). I followed them around one summer, photographed them, and decided to write the imaginative story.
Summary for the book A Life for Gnarly:
As the only goose on the farm, Gnarly wasn’t sure where to live. She didn’t want to live alone and wondered if there was a perfect spot on the farm for her. Where would you live? Would you like slopping around in the mud with the pigs? Maybe you would prefer living with the mischievous cats or rambunctious goats? What about swimming with the ducks all day?
After venturing from animal to animal, read where Gnarly finally found her ideal spot to be. It will surprise you!
This book too is a photographic fantasy based on an actual goose on my farm. Gnarly passed away not long ago. We miss her, and so did the animals she had chosen to roam with.
Summary for the book Higher and Higher:
“Stars are guiding night-lights. They uplift our hearts and inspire us to strive higher and higher.” ~jenny kile
Taking time to gaze up at the stars with Old Mouse, Little Mouse is amazed at how high he can see. He discovers there are no limits and begins to dream of things beyond the stars. This charming story will encourage readers to wonder what is higher than the stars and to go where dreams wait to be realized.

To mention some of the content here, this site includes thoughts and perspectives on the million dollar treasure hunt of The Thrill of the Chase by Forrest Fenn, The Bossall Treasure hunt, Fandango Treasure Hunt, The Beale Papers codes, Rennes le Chateau Mystery, the continuous quest for the Holy Grail of the Maranatha puzzle, and much more. The Maranatha puzzle is what inspired my own serious search beyond the ordinary. It was the original basis for creating this site, and instigator for Six Questions. For this reason, the site incorporates, and continues to discuss, material offered during the puzzle. Consisting of an array of historical and unique subject matter, the puzzle encouraged a quest for wisdom and understanding. I’m not sure that ever stops.
The site is an ever expanding source for mystery, adventure, and search for treasures.
When not out hunting down actual treasures or researching possible leads to answer life’s mysteries, I often enjoy playing games of similar themes. Pulling down one of the many Treasure Games from my shelf is always fun to do. As a game collector of games from the 1800’s and up, I have many. Besides sharing some of these old games, I will provide reviews for more recent games that you and your family could enjoy if wanted. Many of these can be found in the category: MW: Game Night Ideas.
You may also notice the website features Six Questions.
‘Six Questions’ are interview-like discussions with individuals who, I feel, inspire each of us to go beyond the ordinary. They are with people who are actively exploring and are willing to share their adventures with others. They offer intriguing insights into life’s journey.
I love how the following quote encapsulates this website:
“If there wasn’t anything to find out, it would be dull. Even trying to find out and not finding out is just as interesting as trying to find out and finding out; and I don’t know but more so.” ~ Mark Twain
The site hopes to strengthen and inspire you on your own quest for whatever you seek. I believe we all intuitively sense a desire towards an adventurous seeking. Is it so dissimilar to the search for the ‘Holy Grail’?; (defined as ‘something of immense worth and treasure’)
I invite you to share in the journey and follow/friend me on Facebook for thoughts and updates on quests.
WELCOME! and please feel free to look around the site and explore! There is a lot within!
Hi Jenny, wonderful site you have put together here. You can find some of the old Timemonk.com information on the Internet Archive website….maybe you will be able to find and access some of the missing information since the site has been removed. Any old website’s or pages can possibly be found through this site.
Thank you for posting all this information. I was not admitted back onto the Twelve Forum because I had used my new email address instead of the one I had originally signed up with. Mistake on my part so I no longer could post information I came across. So this webiste now makes it possible for all to get back into the joy of the search and sharing information. http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://timemonk.com
Thanks Again Norma Lookinon on Tweleve.
Thanks, Norma. I appreciate the feedback and help. I will look into the web archive.
miss jenny i think i might of found out where fenn’s treasure is at.
Hi there, I had a lot of fun with the Maranatha Puzzle book. Myself and my colleaugues spent an enjoyable half decade researching clues, drawing circles on hundreds of illustrations and chasing up ancient wisdom. We discovered many blind alleyways, red herrings and disinformation, but at the same time we had a lot of fun and I believe discovered some nuggets that in reality should be shared. When the puzzle collapsed we were gutted.
I was with Duncan at the launch and believed in him and his work. Naturally my emails have not been answered now so perhaps your forum will help fill this gap. I am more than happy to share what we have learnt and who knows one day my see a believeable solution.
Hi Jor Viking, thanks for your comments and feel free to share what you would like. Obviously, I agree; the puzzle was/is a lot of fun. It’s great to hear from others. welcome!
You write very well.
Glad to see you have enjoyed the challenge 🙂
Thank-you so much. How sweet.
I did/still do enjoy The Whistle Pig. They are such unique stories and it is a fun treasure hunt.
If you are ‘Thee’ Dan Millender, I would be thrilled for the opportunity to ask you ‘Six Questions’!
hey jenny can you tell me the actual date that forrest fenn wrote the chase poem? I do not have a copy of the book and I am not sure it is even in the book. please correct me if I am wrong. thank you jack
Hi Jack,
(I sent you an email too)….but the poem is in the book and the book came out in 2010. The treasure hunt started at that time with the release of the poem (in The Thrill of the Chase book) and has gained publicity since then.
Hope that helps and best of luck!
Hi Nate, I’ve been away from regular Internet and it is nice to see a post from you. I hope to get back to some of the other puzzles soon.