How exciting!  A new clue has been released by Jim Sanborn for the unsolved code of Kryptos!  The clue is the word NORTHEAST and will be found in positions of 26 through 34!

I’ve written about Kryptos here on MW before.  Matter of fact, I just recently posted a video/post of Six Top Unsolved Codes, of which Kryptos, of course, was one of them. But to give a little background on this challenging puzzle for those who are not familiar.

Kryptos is an encrypted sculpture in the main courtyard at the Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The impressive piece of artwork, created by Jim Sanborn, was unveiled in November, 1990.  Almost 2000 letters are engraved on the S shaped copper plate, streaming out from a piece of petrified wood.  The plate is believed sectioned into four encoded parts.  Three of the parts have been solved.  However, the last section of 97 letters has proved elusive.

For almost 30 years the message within these 97 letters has remained hidden.  Kryptos, which is the Greek word for Hidden, was aptly named.  But will this new clue help solve the code?

This is the third clue given for this fourth section.  In 2010, Sanborn released the first clue for solving these 97 letters.  It was the word BERLIN which is to be found in positions 64 through 69 (NYPVTT).

The code remained unsolved.

Sanborn then released another clue in 2014.  The word CLOCK is to be found in the positions following BERLIN (70 through 74)(MZFPK).  This sent many to researching the famous Berlin Clock and how it might relate or help solve this last part.

And now in 2020, Sanborn releases a third clue.  The word NORTHEAST is to be found in the positions 26 through 34 (QQPRNGKSS)


What method is used to encode these words.  Is this latest clue enough to lead someone, maybe YOU to the solution which has remained unknown for almost three decades?

Be warned though….. Sanborn has hinted there may yet be another layer after K4, as it is called, becomes known. This overall mystery is to bring all the pieces of Kryptos together for complete understanding.




    The Berlin Clock is a Icositetragon
    Graph Theory use a graph called Schläfli graph which is a Icositetragon..
    Suspect that its a twist on a substitution cipher. – Enigma Machine.


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