John Michaels released a ‘clue’ in the Tribute: Hunt for the 13th Casque in The Secret armchair treasure hunt. It was posted in the public Tribute Hunt Facebook Group and is shown below:

The Tribute Hunt was released in February of 2019, and searchers have been dissecting every part of Verse and Image since then. A great summary on what has thought to have been discovered so far can be found by reading Rich Blanchford’s Six Questions on the hunt.
Here is the Verse and Image for The Tribute:(larger images here)

Searchers believe they have identified the City (Louisville, KY) and the Park (Cherokee Park), but from the above clue, it seems they are ‘missing’ an important puzzle piece that might lead to the treasure grounds, and a final solve or dig spot!
Besides the surface layer to the note from JM, are there other clues cryptically hidden within?
Does the use of mixed caps, like the E/e’s or R/r’s hint to something more? Does 40 words, 42 with Good Luck, hint to anything? 8 Lines? Anything?
But maybe most importantly it is asked, ‘What Book- The Secret or another?’
And what clues have been overlooked? Are they clues on site, image, or verse?
Lots of questions! And that is what is needed in order to discover the answers!
Thanks to John for prompting us to ask the questions we just might need to discover the buried casque, worth not only the valuable gemstones of over $2,000, but also it is an original casque from The Secret Treasure Hunt from over 35 years ago!
Treasures to find, indeed! And now a clue towards doing so! Thanks John and Kit!
Best of luck to all! Always Treasure the Adventure!