chapter 23 egyptian necklace there's treasure inside cipher

Is there an Egyptian necklace hidden cipher in There’s Treasure Inside?

Many of the treasures inside the treasure boxes that Jon Collins Black hid across the USA he acquired ‘as is.’ However, one of the treasures that Jon had a little control over is the necklace made from ancient Egyptian beads.

In Chapter 23 of the book Jon tells of how he had acquired the beads, and then how he and his wife recreated the Egyptian necklace – from those loose beads. 

The necklace features a Leopard Head. Then there are smaller beads of various colors separated by larger orange beads.

Is it possible there is a coded message in the layout of the beads? Nothing grand – we know Jon said there aren’t any grand ciphers to solve – however, a simple morse code, or number code I don’t feel is out of the question. 

It was also mentioned in MW Discord that the necklace’s position shown on the page might match to a road, trail, or river…. It could possibly be an outline for something. 

Maybe it hides a bit of both these things…..  of which each could confirm the other’s discovery…..

Egyptian Necklace Cipher There's Treasure Inside

It’s something to think about…whether or not there is an Egyptian necklace hidden cipher