wisdomWeekly Words from Forrest: Dec. 25th, 2015:
*Plan a warm place into which you can retreat.  Merry Christmas
For complete list:


  1. Taken together, the weekly words seem to comprise some kind of word puzzle.

    This is a list of the first letter of each phrase followed by each letter in the phrase which begins a word more than once:

    Y: Y P
    S: S
    I: I Y P W
    C: I
    P: P W C

    Notice that every one of the double letters corresponds to one of the lead off letters except for a W.

    It would be interesting if subsequent clues fit this pattern and, in particular, if one starts with a W. If we can count “Weekly Words” (which quickly satisfies both conditions) we would already have one!

    Happy holidays to one and all!


    1. If Christmas Eve is the left side of Christmas, what is the right side called ?

      I haven’t gotten too far with your list Liz. I do notice the triples (Y PI) and the YS and some others.

      Resorting to word count, this week is a 9.2, in the poem the 9th word is WITH and 2 words after is TREASURES.

      Plan a warm place into which you can retreat. WITH TREASURES. treat.


      1. Thanks astree.

        Speaking of triples, Y,P,I (25,16,9) are the squares of the first Pythagorean triple (5-4-3), sacred to the Masons as well as others. Any relevance to TTOTC escapes me, however.

        Also, I couldn’t help but notice your lead off caps.

        I I R P.

        Could you mean I R.I.P.?

        Or maybe, if I I = I’s, P R I I would yield a prize?

        Maybe you’re just T’s ing, oh YS one!

      2. Excellent on the squares of the fundamental Pythagorean triplet, Liz. I missed it. Judy, was also looking into what you mentioned, and Merry Christmas is two words.

        Also, one of the reasons for the YS could be a red herring to Yellowstone, as well as a YES (the letters are from an acrostic several times, once as first letters, another times as last letters, if I recall). Ok, that’s more than one reason 🙂


        1. Using the “CAP WOE”, the capital letters are P M C (almost looks like “camp” backwards).

          PMC / p. MC, p 133 / the page after the poem. The first four capital letters on p. 133 are TI ( and repeated ), which echoes the 9.2 self-referencing IT code of Merry Christmas.


          1. astree-

            Your reference to T I T I caught my eye.

            Go back to my listing of the Weekly Words above and count how many lead off pairs there are in each. There are: 2 1 4 1 3. Reading backwards, we get pi with a leftover 2.

            So 2 pi. (Of course, with next Friday’s posting, this will all evaporate unless there are no lead off pairs))

            T I T I >>> II TT >>> 2 pi.

            We keep returning to the notion of coming full circle.

            I can’t quite put my finger on it.

            A special place. The first Noel…

  2. Hi Jen what do you make of all this?

    *Shut your engine off until spring (Posted Dec. 4th, 2015)

    *If you know precisely where it is you can probably retrieve it in any weather (Posted Dec. 11th, 2015)

    *Plan a warm place into which you can retreat. Merry Christmas (Posted Dec. 25th, 2015)

  3. Plan a warm place which to retreat? My first instinct puts me in front a fireplace! Throughout the chase the theme has been fireplaces.

    Here in Florida we are hitting the 80 degree mark easily but when we got into the 50s one night that the wife and I took advantage of the fire pit and a 4 hour event of margaritas 🙂

    I hope everyone remembers it could be worst as we reminisce on loved ones that pass and to be thankful for the ones we have……….. Merry Christmas fellow searchers 😉

  4. Just finished with the morning activities, and have a party to atend this afternoon, so glad to find this Weekly Words in between.

    Liz, first four words, last letters … NAME. All last letters .. HUMAN NOTE (and vice versa) .. Merry Christmas. Looks like a lot more, too. I see some same other patterns in previous Weekly Words. I need to look at what you posted.

    Jenny – I bet it’s just about as warm for you as it is here inMD. Thank-you Forrest and Jenny. Merry Christmas to you and your families, and to everyone.


    1. There’s something slippery that I’m looking at, too, Liz, related to a clock going full circle to 12, MAS (Spanish “more”) being the 12,13,14th letters of “Merry Christmas”, MAS(on) = 33 numerical value, and KEY being the 9th letters of the 14,13,12th lines of the poem.

      Re: your earlier comment, for page 133, “T” begins and ends the page, too.

        1. Hi, Jeff. That link doesn’t really work for me, either. After hunting down the link I was able to see it…but it’s hit and miss for me, too.

          Btw, Forrest sure looks cozy sitting there by the fire. Every time I see that picture, though, I wonder to myself if Forrest knows somebody who can fix those broken, quarter-round pieces of handmade, Mexican tile there on his hearth. I’ll bet some tile guy has a bucket full of those. It likely doesn’t bother him…but it bugs the heck out of me. LOL!

          Thanks, again, Jenny and Forrest. There is much to consider.

          Merry Christmas to All! The King is born. If only we would live and love as He showed us by His life…and His death.

          “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater…” (Mark 12:31)


  5. I think he’s just being general here. Sure it can be retrieved in any weather but it’s better off to plan a warm place for your retreat and wait till spring. I will say for this Florida guy at 50 yrs old I am not sure I’d make it in the snow up in the Rockies. Even if you knew exactly where you were going weather can change quickly in the Rockies and that can be deadly if you are many miles away from your retreat. cfabclc

  6. Plan a retreat, yes probably. But warm – that’s my mistake. I feel like I am living in the Thanksgiving oven – I missed out on the warm and went for the hotter than ever. Need to reset the winter retreat to warm not 80 degrees before 10 am. Missing the cold already and it’s been nearly a month. What’s a retreat? a place to hide or rest? Maybe quiet before the festivities of the New Year.

  7. Pingback: Onward! - Page 28

      1. JC that was a good film, I liked that whisper “go the distance” and then White Sox show up. I wonder how many home runs have been hit throughout American baseball history (pro baseball)
        I like what this guy says “you can only play with fire so long, and it’ll burn ya”
        Boy I wish I knew where that Fenn loot was, he tantalizes us weekly with tidbits. I hope I’m the one!

  8. We can’t be a joy
    to those around,
    If we fret and frown.

    Thanks Forrest. In your wisdom you know it’s important to be still, allowing rest to sink deep, refilling the reservoirs of our souls. We are human beings not human doings.


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