The Unicornis ManuscriptsThe Unicornis Manuscripts is a beautifully illustrated text which takes a reader on a mystical journey.  As a reader passes through the pages, he learns about the mysterious history and truth behind the legendary and fascinating unicorns.

A fictional tale shares the work and journal of a learned man, Magnalucius, from the fifteenth century.  Along with the story, describing the origins and many movings of unicorns, are clues for the unearthing of a silver bound Spiral Horn.  This magnificent treasure waits to be discovered for one considered worthy.

The Unicornis Manuscripts is an unsolved armchair treasure hunt in its simplest form; a quest for Truth in its greatest.  Originally published in 1983, and republished in 2008, the book is noticed to contain a similar warning to one found within the Maranatha- Et in Arcadia Ego puzzle and Nicolas Flamel’s lost tome.

“O Reader:  If thou art neither scribe nor sacrificer, cast not thy gaze upon this book, for it contains secret teachings useful only to the few and troubling to the many.  And if thou seekest only mere amusement, read no further.  But if thou art an earnest pilgrim on the path of Life, then open, read and ponder.”

The book/story discloses the Rule of the Horn was followed.  The rule which proclaimed; “No man knows to whom the Horn should go. That ever and again it must be hidden so that, in obscurity, it may draw forth its rightful Keeper and so be ransomed.”  And so the Spiral Horn was buried in the ground in 1983.

It is believed the complete understanding and meaning of the short poem written in the book, The Prophecy of the True Horn, will reveal the exact location of the Horn.   It beckons the ‘wandering heart’ to the ‘Source of Greatness.’  The poem begins as follows:

Into darkness will I fade,
Into a night that Man has made,
But through that gloom shall gleam the Sun,
When I am lost, and again am won.

Time will only tell whether the lost Spiral Horn will ever be held by man again.  Before publishing the 2008 version of the book, Green visited the site where the peaceful Horn continues to rest.  To his amazement, he realized the location of the Spiral Horn had been covered with water.  The site chosen was along the shore of a small body of water.  But, nature (with the help of a beaver dam) raised the level of water, concealing the Horn even further.  Perhaps forever.

The search for the Horn of the Lake (as it has become known) continues by some.  Like so many other secrets, it is only carried on (like the warning cautioned), by those who are an ‘earnest pilgrim’.

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  1. Pingback: Searching for the Silver Spiral Horn of The Unicornis Manuscripts » Mysterious Writings

  2. Pingback: The Great Stone of The Unicornis Manuscripts » Mysterious Writings

  3. Pingback: Nicolas Flamel and Maranatha Books Sendeth Health » Mysterious Writings

  4. Pingback: Treasure Hunt Summaries » Mysterious Writings

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