The symmetry presented in the symbol on the cover of the Maranatha-Et in Arcadia Ego puzzle book is clearly noticed. Initiating a sense of reflection, puzzlers contemplated its purpose. Some saw battle axe’s, while others detected dimensions of sacred geometry. Chosen to be the one central and key image for the puzzle, it is assumed the symbol held great importance.
Revealed from an unofficial chat session, this does indeed seem to be the case. A puzzler with the username Linz asked Sacred Prize (Duncan Burden’s username) about the symbol. The full exchange, which Linz kindly shared with all, contains the following snippet:
Linz asked, “The glyph as it has become known on the front cover of the book what does it represent?”
Mr. Burden’s reply:
“It represents the series of books so its full meaning should become clear by book three and four.”
As disclosed above, the symbol was to represent the entirety of the Puzzle. Could it be said it would encompass and symbolize both the Key and the Grail of which the books were to release? Since the puzzle ended before books three and four were published, and before the initial puzzle was solved, the meaning for the symbol remains to be understood.
However, there was an interesting exclusion in the new version of the Maranatha/TimeMonk puzzle book. This could shed some light on the matter. The intriguing omission is noticed on the last page of the book. Whether it was just an oversight, a possible clue, or a mistake, is unknown. But, the I, in the sentence of ‘I Tego Arcana Dei’ is missing. The phrase is missing a word.

As many noticed, the symbol, on the front cover and also included on the above pages, could be seen to incorporate the letters of i. When considering the space, resulting from the construction of the glyph, two letter i’s appear. It’s much like seeing the hidden depth of the divine.
Is the intention of the cast away I in I Tego Arcana Dei meant to suggest the word is found within the symbol? It does contain I, and so the symbol (possibly representing the ‘I’) completes the phrase; I, (as the symbol), Tego Arcana Dei in the Time Monk version of the book.
If this elimination does suggest the use of I from the symbol, then this meaning could provide a different perspective in which to ponder one of the clues. The February 28th, 2009 clue is as follows:
“The Masters point to the answers and their eye behold the truth.”
Along with what was written on the back of the first book, which was, ‘Encoded by the Masters who knew, Written by the Masters who know’, the following conclusion seems reasonable.
Respecting the fact that the symbol represents the entirety of the puzzle and play on words (eye/i), then I feel it could be said the symbol beholds the Truth. As one ‘eye’ reflects, I am that I am comes to mind.
Speculation, yes. Any who would like to discuss it’s possibilities, please do.
I think that your comments are right on target Jenny; the focus is very much on the i(s). If you consider the clue you recalled:
“The Masters point to the answers and their eye behold the truth.”
it is interesting to note that there are two i’s in the clue. One is the 13th letter, and the other is the 34th. These are both Fibonacci numbers, a clear tie-in to the recurring theme of sacred geometry in Maranatha. Also, the author of Masquerade, perhaps the most (in)famous of puzzle books, Kit Williams, once published a beautiful book called “Out of One Eye.” Finally, in an ordinary deck of cards, the one-eyed jack (hearts or spades only!) is the 11th card in its suit, bringing us back again to two vertical lines.
You’re true. I had forgotten about the I’s being in the 13 and 34 position. Their ‘eye(center)’ would then be 21 (in Fibonacci sequence) which the 21st letter is U/You. Another layer of meaning could suggest ‘You’ or each of us behold the Truth.
And reading your comment, something occurred to me. Do you consider the two vertical lines to be representative of the uprights of a ladder? (Symbolizing duality and it is for us to find the balance/rungs to climb?)
I think you might have miscounted where the “u” is!
Sadly, the first image that comes into my mind when thinking of the two vertical lines is the terrible loss your country suffered when the twin towers were destroyed. I like your image better.
Well the 21st letter in the clue is A. But I just meant the 21st letter of the alphabet, which is U. AU, I like the combination, though!
Im thinking more from a practical view point. It appears to me that there was picture with these shapes fixed in corner very preciously on a metal rimmed wooden board, from the Time Monk website.
I was thinking maybe there is a device which does measuring or maybe even something like a “Camera Lucida”. The legs of the device would have “U” shaped feet to fit in to the shapes at each corner.
Why have the Shape with rivets and held very securely? It must be for purpose.
Interesting thinking MM. Those rivets do seem like something to think about.
Maybe the symbol is based on the very odd posture of the hand holding this serpent staff:
One interpretation for the shape of the symbol is thaf it looks like BAT. Being that the Bat is Blind, the colour
Red surrounding the bat seems to suggest “Infra-red” as a possible way for the bat to See. Below the Bat, there appears to be the EARS of another Bat (the red part) representing the understanding that the Bat is guided by Sonar (Hearing).
The symbol reminds me of OM because the Bat looks like an M, and there are two O’s above it. The symbol ALSO represents the understanding for the VAJRA (Thunderbolt), the weapon of the God Zeus (Jupiter) in Greek/Roman Mythology and Indra in Hinduism. At the center of the Vajra, there is the O (Circle), and it is surround by four Swords (Cherubs). In Tibetan Buddhism, this is perhaps the most important Symbol.
I myself used to believe that the Vajra represented some type of KEY, but perhaps this is more of a reference
To some “Philosophical Understanding.” I LOVE the way that this Symbol seems to link the understanding of the HEART’s BLOOD with the INFRA-RED” Color. It reminds me of Rumi’s poem “The Sunrise Ruby.”
Just because I Made a Critisism in the Article regarding the “Oracle of the Etruscans” DOESN’T mean I DON’T believe in Healing with Crystals. I simply stated that we have to be CAREFUL in our understanding of HOW to use Crystals. Yogananda mentions the fact that they represent some type of “shortcut” to God, and that Healing (in the future) will take place by means of RAYS.
However, The Bible HINTS at the fact that there is some DANGER to the understanding. PART of that danger
Represents the understanding for WHERE the Crystal is placed. And there are SNARES all throughout The Bible causing the “would be desciple” to “walk in the way of the snares.” A crystal when cast to the ground represents a Serpent. It also represents a TEAR (Rock) which is shed by the Gods (or Sages). When held in the hand, it represents a Rod.
Likewise, we have to understand HOW the Crystal works in relationship to BREATH. “That which is SWALLOWED DOWN (Poison/Hala Hala) will be VOMITED Back Up.” and there the Understanding RESTS, a reference to Your Symbol which for now, I will refer to as the “SHA BAT,” the Hebrew word SHA represemting Salvation.
The other i wanted to mention was on the promotion leaflets about maranatha project was a key , it had the “M” symbol on handle part of key and shugborough hall on the combination part of key.
suggesting that the 2 are linked. Maybe there is something at shugborough hall that fits the “M” something that could be easily over looked. I have never been there , if i was to go i would be on look out for something to fit “M” symbol.
I was going to do an article some time later on the image you mention, Madmonk. And still may. But it’s great you mention it now and like you say….when the parchment is folded to where the ‘maranatha symbol’ and ‘Shugborough hall’ are joined by which would be the ‘key shank’, the shape of a KEY is recognized.
Not to force my opinion on the key linking to ‘eye’s, but only to share, I thought the following. Before joining the page, the part with the symbol looks much like a magnifying glass with the symbol able to be looked upon by an ‘eye’. The words, “Discover the real secret” are written underneath.
Then, the other half consists of an image of the hall which has the words underneath of, “Shugborough Hall Holds many Clues to the Key of Et in Arcadia Ego.”
Because the ‘Glyph’ part may suggest the symbol being looked at through ‘glass’, I can’t help but feel the many ‘clues’ referred to in the words beneath the Hall/building, are actually the many ‘windows’ appearing in the image of the Shugborough Hall. Of course the Shepherds Monument and other related interests are found on the estate and I am sure connect also; but for an additional possible layer of meaning to the sentence, I feel the glass or the windows could be the clues to the Key of Et in Arcadia Ego.
Windows let the ‘light’ shine through and glass can be made from ‘lightning’ (fulgurite). Even a magnifying glass can be used to concentrate the sunlight to form heat and purify. Used this way, it would possibly allow the ‘symbol’ to appear.
Interesting that the Maranatha symbol looks like the “handle” part of the Unicorn horn which Eugnostos has placed on the book…interesting placement if you think it could be a geometric key. It even has the dots of the “i’s”.
Ha Ha! Actually it’s more of a reference to a “sheppards staff” than it is to a Rod or a Cauldius. It’s what The Bible refers to as the MAGGAL (Sickle).
“But when the FRUIT (Blue Apple) is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the SICKLE because the Time of the Harvest has come” (Mark 4:29)
“Not the perpetual star that you seek. Just the Star that Lights the Way.”
Notice the relationship to the word “MAGGAL.”
This is WHY the FIRST PICTURE (of the Seven) depicts a Robbed Man holding a LANTERN to Guide the way in One Hand, and a SICKLE (Maggan) in the other. However, the Bible seems to use different words for Sickle. The verses mentioning the MEGGAN as the SIckle only appear in Jerimiah 15:6 and Joel 3:13. In The
Verse from Mark that i mention, the word Drepanon as the Sickle.
It’s my belief that this Symbol COULD represent the ACTUAL SYMBOL for OM. When the Symbol is Turned SIDEWAYS, it looks like a CURVED “E” which is the SAME as the Sanscrit depiction for the Syllable OM. It’s
My belief that the PURPOSE for the Symbol is to MEASURE the POINT BETWEEN the TWO EYEBROWS, which is WHY the Symbol OM has a BINDU (Point) located on TOP of the Curved E.
The EYE is a reference to “BLUE APPLE” (Star) which needs to be Measured (Aligned) with the aid of the Symbol (MEGGAN). The Blue Apple represents a MIRROR which has to be POLISHED so that the LIGHT of the MIRROR REFLECTS the STAR off of the Star. The SECRET for the Polishing of the Mirror is the Hebrew WORD for NAME (Shem). So just add a little SHEM, and the Mirror will shine. As for the SOURCE of the LIGHT, try using a LAMP. Works for me. Ha Ha!
Correction … “The Maggal” (or Sickle) which I was refering to ALSO represents a URAEUS or ROD. As I Re-glimpsed over some of the “Maranatha CLUES, I started thinking about this one:
“Pharaoh THOTHMOSIS knew the secret of the serpent staff even as he was in his grave SET.”
When most people think of SET, they think of the EGYPTION God. But OTHERS understood SET to be the POLESTAR (Thuban), located in the Constillation of Draco (The Dragon). The Polestar represents a Massive Star that MANY argue represents the GALACTIC SUN of the Universe.
So it’s POSSIBLE that the Caldeus, Rod, Meggal, or whatever you prefer to call it is in some way linked to the ALIGHNMENT of the Star SET with something else. With WHAT, you might ask? Actually, the Mayans used something referred to as a TRIPOD (I think) to Measure the Alignment of SET (Thuban) with the Other Stars located in the Big Dipper, and the “Mayan Calender” is based on those predictions. Their Tripod could have been a Caldeus.
Actually, it’s my belief that the TRUE LIGHT which is supposed to be Reflected off of the BLUE APPLE is a reference to SUNLIGHT. I havent even tried it yet, so am not sure if it really works. I get GREAT results from Artificial Light (A Lamp). So it boggles my mind to consider the POSSIBILITY there might be some actual SECRET for alligning the Blue Apple with the Star SET producing an even MORE powerful understanding.
Actually, the BLUE STAR (Blue Apple) is known to others as the BLUE PEARL. Yogananda doesnt call it that, but he explains that it represents a WHITE STAR on a BLUE BACKROUND surrounded by a GOLDEN HALO. The STAR ITSELF represents the understanding for the HOLY GHOST. He also explains that it represents the MAGI Star.
“The Stone Blue Fruit was the first to be Savored (Eaten):
The Story of the Golden Calf is actually a reference to the APIS Bull which is also a reference to HATHOR (Ha! Thor) as the “Sky Goddess.” As the Story goes, The “EL” (God) was removed from the APIS and The Israelites made a CALF of GOLD. They had forgotten their ROCK which did great things for them. Meanwhile, Araan was firing up the Altar with the sweet smell of INCENSE, kindling the Wrath of the Lord, as explained in the Koran:
“And they were made to IMBIBE the CALF within their Hearts on account of their DISBELIEF. EVIL is that which your heart bids you to do if you are TRUE BELIEVERS.”
Wow! You have completely lost me on this one! You mention things like “The Circle of the 681 key” and the “Square of the 681 key.” I dont even know if this is some reference to Just the letters Px or to the numbers 681, or if there is some “681 key that I haven’t seen. So consider me a “no show” for this one.
Do I understand the SIGNIFICANCE of the number 681 as it relates to the UNDERSTANDING of this Mystery? PROBABLY. Then again, even with WHAT I understand, I don’t know HOW the understanding FITS
As some type of key as it pertains to the glyph.
681 = 6 + 8 + 1 = 6 + 9 = 69
69 (Turned Sideways) represents the SYMBOL for The SIGN of CANCER.
For me, the GLYPH represents a SICKLE which also represents the SYMBOL for the SIGN of CAPRICORN.
True, the Astrological symbol looks more like an “h” with a line crossed through the upper part of the “h,” but that represents a Sickle.
So it makes sense to me that the KEY is linked to CANCER, and the GLYPH is linked to CAPRICORN, both of these signs representing OPPOSITES.
In reference to the CHESSBOARD:
CUBE = 6 SIDES (Squares) … Perhaps the 6 of 69.
True, the MATH DOESNT seem to add up. But the Tesseract does have 32 EDGES which probably means 32 SQUARES, which COULD be some reference to the 32 Squares on BOTH SIDES of the Chessboard = 64.
8 = In Vedic Astrology, the number associated with SATURN, and Cronos, the God of Time, the number sybolizing Infinity (8 Cells)
Hindu traditions won’t help to solve esoteric European mysteries. They’re a different tradition and they use a different set of symbols.
Thanks for the Link, Nate. I am looking at it right now.
I think it’s confirmation that you got right the shape within the third circle (Jupiter).
To be less cryptic: Overlay the shape on the Vitruvian Man of Leonardo da Vinci.
The reason that the sentence “Tego arcana dei” was missing the I could be exactly to attract attention to the I, or the “eye”. It’s pointing to an invisible eye.
I don’t think chi ro is in any way part of the lock. It may be a hint to the key. One thought, and this is just speculation, is that chi ro may indicate their Greek numerals. Chi is 100, ro is 600. Together they are 700. The Greek letter for 700 is psi, that looks like a trident. Chi ro may actually mean 700, or the trident, or both.
Flamel’s hollow oak is the tree of life. The pillars of Solomon’s temple are the alphabet. I think Hermes falling to the scythe of time means that over time secrets are either revealed or lost, unless something is done about it.