First Week of the Tribute-The Hunt for the 13th Casque of The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt

Tribute-The Hunt for the 13th Casque of The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt was released on Valentine’s Day, early evening.  After a week of dissecting the image and studying the verse, searchers have been off to explore many different and possible locations all over the states! On both foot and via …

The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt and a Prelude Puzzle for the Hunt of the 13th Casque!

The mystery begins!   It seems there is a Prelude Puzzle for the Tribute Hunt of the 13th Casque in The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt! EXCITING! I received this very curious email from JM and KP, and I’m asking for help to decode the secret messages within!  As John mentions in …

MW Travels: Top Ten Interesting Facts on The Alchemical Door (Porta Alchemica or Porta Magica) in Rome

One of the most mysterious, but lesser known monuments of Rome, is a marble structure sitting in the corner of the gardens of Piazza Vittorio.  It is called the Alchemical Door, also known as the Magic Portal or Gate. The door’s frame is etched with curious symbols and writings. The …

Top Ten Mysterious Locations with Masonic Symbols and Other Secrets of Freemasonry

Article Written by Duncan Burden Freemasonry actively uses the art of construction as a metaphor to instruct its members in how to be a better person. Given the popularity and respect that the vast majority of Masons have for their Craft, it is not surprising that many skilled individuals have …