Rennes le Chateau treasure

Stories of lost treasure have always had their allure. Especially when there is factual evidence supporting parts of the overall story, and a true mystery is involved. It makes a person question, what if there is a treasure, of some kind, yet to be discovered? It is belief for this possibility- that a treasure, or some other valuable lost secret exists- which continues to bring attention to the Rennes le Chateau story.

The rise of the Rennes le Chateau treasure mystery takes a foothold in January 1956. This traction was from the printing of a three part tale about the unexplained wealth, mysterious discoveries, and secrecy of Berenger Sauniere. Sauniere was the village priest of Rennes le Chateau, and lived there from 1885 until his death in 1917. The series of articles, highlighting Sauniere’s curious activities during that time, appears in La Depeche du Midi of Southern France.

Evidence is presented in the articles that after coming to Rennes le Chateau, and after initial renovations of his church, Sauniere began to spend an extraordinary amount of money. Too much to be accounted for by being the small village priest. Suspicions he found a treasure are suggested, and these are backed up by historical documents and witnesses to the actual story.

The fact is, to this date, it is not clear where exactly Berenger Sauniere acquired all the funds needed to complete the numerous renovations, traveling, entertaining, building, decorating, etc. that he did while living at Rennes le Chateau. The mystery has not been solved, and genuine questions remain. Where did he get his money to afford such a lifestyle? Did he find a lost treasure, or was it something else? 

The quest for these answers leads into a tantalizing and twisted history, which gives the impression secrets are still being kept. It is thought there could be clues to a secret in the details of Sauniere’s life, and in the significant changes he made to Rennes le Chateau.

While it is known the 1956 articles were used to promote the hilltop Tower Hotel, owned by Noel Corbu, which was once the Villa Bethanie built by Sauniere, the articles held a truthful core. It was this factual core that continued to catch others attention as years passed. 

After the articles, a book entitled The Gold of Rennes or the Strange Life of Berenger Sauniere was published in 1967 by Gerard de Sede. This book presented the original mystery, but the story seemed to have been embellished a bit. Are these facts? Discovered parchments with hidden coded messages now existed; along with allusions to other dangerous secrets and deadly consequences. It is with the publishing of this book that really widened the awareness to the mystery.

The story goes that Henry Lincoln, while vacationing in the area, picked up Sede’s book and solved one of the secret codes on the parchments. This unexpected discovery instigated further exploration which resulted in the filming of three documentaries in the 70’s. The documentaries were followed with the publishing of Holy Blood Holy Grail in 1982. Henry Lincoln had teamed up with Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh to offer answers for the mystery. It became a best-selling book.

The mystery of Rennes le Chateau was now a story told across the world, and was not only heard in the small villages of Southern France. The story eventually captured the attention of Dan Brown, who through his best-selling conspiracy fiction novel, The Da Vinci Code, catapulted the Rennes le Chateau treasure story into the public eye in 2003.

The stories kept expanding. An abundance of different theories, documents, accounts, contradictions, etc. were offered in efforts to provide answers for the key question and mystery of ‘Where did Sauniere’s wealth originate?’

Over the decades, even as more and more people became involved, the question couldn’t be conclusively answered or agreed upon. The frenzy for finding a solution has since abated, but there are some who continue to search for confirmation.

Can the mystery be solved? Were clues to a treasure or the answer given, but overlooked amongst all the conspiracy theories and hoaxes put forth over past years?

Join us here, and on the MW Forum, to help us take up the challenge to sort through it all.