stolen treasure Atocha star emerald

Where is the Stolen Atocha Star Emerald today? No one knows.

In 2012 an armchair treasure hunt was launched with great expectations; it was entitled The World’s Greatest Treasure Hunt: Quest for the Golden Eagle.  This hunt was created by Ron Shore with a main purpose to raise money for Breast Cancer research. It didn’t at all go as planned.

As the title described, it was to be The World’s Greatest Treasure Hunt.  A hunt which would reward 13 prizes; 12 Silver Eagles and the final prize valued at 1 million dollars. This was The Golden Eagle statuette which held the historic 400 year old Atocha Star Emerald in its base.

Sales of books, and enthusiasm for the hunt, didn’t reach the lofty levels first envisioned. Ron, however, kept on, in hopes it would turn around. Five of the Silver Eagles were rewarded. But in 2016 an additional obstacle dug its claws into the hunt and tore it apart.

The Golden Eagle Statuette (with the Atocha Star Emerald) was stolen.  It remains missing still today.

The theft was given as one of the main reasons, that in July of 2018, Ron Shore released a statement that the World’s Greatest treasure hunt had to be placed on hold. Although Shore had insurance on the Eagle, the Insurance Company refused to pay out for believed violations to policy conditions. So until all is sorted out (if it ever will be), the hunt will be at a standstill.

While many of the events surrounding this situation, the hunt and robbery, continue to be questioned, (some involved in the hunt suggested a possible ‘planned robbery’, which Ron vehemently denies), one thing is known for certain.  The Golden Eagle with the Atocha Star Emerald is gone. 

It was reported to be stolen on May 29th of 2016, after one of Ron Shore’s promotional Treasure Hunt events in Ladner British Columbia. The investigation remains open, and no one has come forth with any solid evidence leading to the discovery of this stolen Eagle with its historic jewel. It disappeared soon after being on public display at an art exhibition in Vancouver for 4 days. It was still in transit back to a secure location.

At the time of the theft, it was in Ron Shore’s backpack. Ron had spoken at an event the Sunday evening of the robbery. And according to Shore, as he was walking out to his car after that event, he was robbed by two masked men.  The two men grabbed the backpack with the Eagle and sped away in a vehicle. The Golden Eagle hasn’t been seen since.

Where it is today remains mystery.

This stolen treasure was an incredibly and beautiful Golden Eagle crafted by Kevin Peters. The head of the Eagle is encrusted with 763 diamonds. The Eagle’s eyes are said to hold two 1.1 carat pear shaped diamonds. And of course, besides being made of varying amounts of Gold, the Eagle, at its base, held one of the most precious stones of history: The Atocha Star Emerald. An emerald which weighed more than 25 carats before being cut to 12.72 carat.

In 1992, this emerald was valued at 250,000 thousand dollars. It is probably worth much more today, as it is one of the largest cut emeralds from the Atocha. The Atocha was a Spanish galleon which sank off the Florida Keys in September, 1622.

This shipwreck held a lost treasure of immense value, and has a story all of its own. But for this story, the sunken treasure of the Atocha was discovered by Mel Fisher (and crew) in 1985. The star emerald was only one of the famously discovered treasures of the ship. It is believed the Atocha was carrying around 70 pounds of Emeralds (which less than 10 pounds have be recovered to date), and over 40 tons of gold and silver.  Only portions of this treasure has been recovered as well.

And unfortunately, the Atocha Star Emerald has been lost again. What a tragedy.  Will it ever be rediscovered? Only time will tell.

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Stolen Atocha Star Emerald