Dear Mr. Fenn,
You have mentioned something to the effect that Santa Fe is a great place to live. Can you be more specific about the reasons why you say this? ~ Amy
Thanks for the question Amy. I don’t want to sound like the Chamber of Commerce but Santa Fe is loaded with good experiences. We have world class operas, chamber music festivals, Indian markets, folk art markets, Spanish markets, three flea markets, eight nice museums, and we burn Old Man Gloom every year with 30,000 people watching.
We see the sun most days, and although the temperature can get low we don’t feel it because, being in a 7,000-foot high dessert, the air is dry. Skiing, hunting, fishing, hiking, and mountain biking are just thirty-minutes from the plaza.
And best of all, my wife usually leaves me alone to work at my computer with my little dog on one side of me and a juniper fire on the other. Who can ask for more from a town?f
You forgot to mention the food…
No, he didn’t Cynthia. He said they’re in a 7’000 high “dessert”!!
LOL!! (didn’t know you could stack bread pudding that high!!)
I noticed that, too…is that a clue?!
Beautiful! Santa Fe has been on my bucket list for many years. Went there as a kid…couldn’t tell you a thing except somewhere around New Mexico, we (my family, I was about 5), traveled a bit, adventuring I guess. I recall a roadside vendor with a lean-to type structure with wooden poles and a shredding roof. There were leather purses everywhere and they just held me in awe. I wanted one bad. My mom told me to ask the guy for the price.I was holding my big, fat, grey Persian cat named Snukums-I LOVED that cat-anyway, when I asked the guy, he said he would trade one for my cat! I held on tight to Snukums-thought about it_ held on tighter and walked away mad. Why did he want my cat? My Mom always joked that he wanted to eat him.
Forrest – Yes,…it is very cold right now in Central Idaho, too,…but the Alligators in Southern Idaho like the weather just fine:
Did I mention that it is only a matter of time before Global Warming brings the Alligators to Forrest’s favorite “River Bathing” spot? When he encountered that Grizz,..only 20 feet away,…and he immersed himself in the geothermal water,…leaving only his eyes and nose above the surface,…I thought maybe the Grizz would have thought he was an Alligator. Next time,…it just might be.
Forrest has traveled all around, wonder if any place sparks a intrest still!
interest correction
Mr. Fenn.
through out all your comments, up till now have you ever revealed the resting place of the chest
mine eyes have seen the glory …
Second thought, I might not like Santa Fe – I have Agoraphobia
So H20, You think he is saying 20 min. from town…..? LOL
Forrest, I really Love Santa Fe, when I went there. Flea markets, I
Love those places. Do you enjoying going to them much? I remember
seeing them there. Looked like alot of fun. You don’t find them much
here in the Northern Rockies. Which is different from the Southern Rockies.
Can YOU PLEASE RULE ONE OUT!!!!PLEASE, Thank You in advance.
Linda Eagle Feathers
Hmmm, Forrest your estimate seems to be off somewhat. It appears that 30,000 was surpassed some time ago….
The City of Santa Fe is proud to announce the 2014 burning of Will Shuster’s Zozobra is one for the record books. According to the Kiwanis Club, a record crowd of more than 40,300 people packed Ft. Marcy Ball Park Friday, August 29, 2014…..
LOL!!! I’ll bet you easily beat that number when you ceremoniously “burn the Poem” after the Chest is found….thus freeing all of us from our “anxiety”!!
I hope you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving. And thanks again for the Chase!!
Good Luck to All!!!…………loco
Santa Fe is a really nice place. Would love to know where exactly Old Man Gloom is burned in town. Have to watch out for the “7,000′ high dessert”. Now THAT’S what I would call Indulgence.
Santa Fe really is a beautiful place, Pdenver.
I saw it…very briefly…last year. (If you’re from New Zealand or Australia…I sawr Santa Fe last year.
Beautiful place…wouldn’t you knowr it?)
Life is short. Eat desert first.
Hello JC1117. From where I came from, my accent would be skipping the “t” and pronouncing it “Sana Fe” and saying it really fast. I still tend to talk very quickly even though it’s been since 1977 since I’ve been back home. Great! Now I’m trying to hear how I say Santa Fe and whether or not I’m pronouncing it with the “t”. No! There’s no “t” in Santa Fe!
‘Eat desert first!’ I like it!