Featured Question:

Dear Forrest, some searchers are wondering if you have more than one memory when you were one year old. You had shared one of your memories in a previous MW Featured Question?

That Featured Question and Memory was:

Hi Forrest, Since posting the Six Questions(2/4/2017), I’ve heard many are wondering and so am I; ‘What was the incident you remember when you were just one year old? Would you be willing to share this with us all? Thanks ~jenny

Sure Jenny, My mom had a rub board on which she scrubbed our dirty clothes. It was before we had a washing machine. That work was done in what we called the “wash room,” and it was outside our house by the garage.

There was a small wooden stool in there also. It was about 7” high, and my mom used it sometimes when hanging wet clothes on the line. One time she saw me struggling to get on the stool so she lifted me on it and I giggled.

I remember all of that very distinctively. f

Forrest Answers with another memory:

I remember that I was required to take a nap in middle morning and another mid-afternoon. I always reverently resisted. Finally my mom would put a hand to her ear and say, “Bubba, can you hear your pillow calling you?” “it misses you.” and I would usually run in and jump on the bed. My mom told me that I didn’t have to sleep, “just close your eyes.” f