MW Spotlight #18: A Codes and Ciphers Segment on The State Clue in The Lost Skull Armchair Treasure Hunt

The MW Codes and Ciphers segments continue with this MW Spotlight #18.  MW Spotlights are released on either Monday or Wednesday (because it is MW, of course), and are short and to the point posts on all things treasure. This spotlight is on one of the clues hidden in The …

MW’s Codes and Cipher Series: The Polybius Square in the Wizard of Oz Armchair Treasure Hunt

MW’s Codes and Ciphers Series continues to introduce different examples of how codes, ciphers, riddles, and puzzles have been used to hide clues in armchair treasure hunts.  This helps both new and old treasure hunters get their creative minds in gear.  It may even help you recognize a secret message …

MW Codes and Ciphers Series: How to Solve the Mysterious Cipher on the Back of The Beacon Star Armchair Treasure Hunt Book

The Beacon Star is an armchair treasure hunt that was published in 2017 by Randy Pischel.  It is available on Amazon in either Print or Kindle Versions.  The Prize of the hunt was initially a mystery, but it has been discovered to be $5,000 dollars, a gold coin, and an …